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Donald Ashalley
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Author:  bill [ Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Donald Ashalley

(Yeah, after ages between playing and not playing in the server, I decided to make a biography, even if short and not that well made. >.>)

"There's an incomensurable wall of ice that separate my heart from anyone else's, you know."


Full name: Donald Ashalley Faisca
Birthdate: Feb 10th
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius / Ox
Actual Age: 18
Birthplace: Florianópolis City, Santa Catarina State, Brazil
Blood/Heritage: Anglo-Brazilian, Pure blood (he doesn't know it for certain, as he lived most of his life as a muggle, though)
House: Gryff
Year: 7th


Height: 7'1 (Yeah, he's tall as hell.)
Bodybuild: Doesn't seem to weigh much for his height, in fact he's very slender, almost thin.
Skin: Pale white (one would think he's no Brazilian, as everyone thinks that Brazil only has tanned people, samba, soccer and that people lives in Indian-style huts >_>)
Hair: Brownish-red hair, messy and unkempt most of the time. (Also, redder than the pic, but couldn't find better ;P)
Eyes: Something between green and blue.
Body art: None, unless you count the hat that seems to be stuck to his head. XD

Known Family

Father: Daniel S. Faisca
Mother: Mary Ann Ashalley-Faisca
Grandpa: Odemir Faisca
Uncle: Antônio S. Faisca


Regarding to Don, most of what you see is what you get. He is quite a catch, but is also really shy, and is most of the time closed to himself. Not a talkative person, as he used to be before, he'll probably not open his heart just to anyone anymore, as he seems to be a person that lost interest in others, and most likely in relationships. Whoever knows him for a long time now, knows about his past, which seems rather tragic, in fact.
He also doesn't talk much about his parents, as he has no contact with them (he probably doesn't even know if they are alive or not, and perhaps does not care all that much, as the only person from his family that actually care for him is gone, which would be his grandpa. His uncle, who's the only person from his family he has contact with actually doesn't seem to be really propense to help him or talk to him as often as Don would like him to).
As for views on the people he'd see as friends, even if not as close to them as he, or his friends desired, he just doesn't measure the pros and cons of every single one of them. If they want to be his friends, nice, if they don't, he just gets used to it, as he is rather withdrawn and isolated from others, and himself, as far as feelings affect him.


Favorite colors: Black, green, white (Because they are part of his team's flag colors >.>) and red.
Favorite and disliked class(es): DADA/Transfiguration - Potions
Teachers (like and dislike): McGonagall - Snape
Likes: Rock and Blues, cooking, playing soccer, sleeping, watching muggle martial arts movies, and a few other stuff I will add later on.
Dislikes: Intrusive people, studying (even though he's rather intelligent, but can't be arsed to read forcedly), being disappointed/lied to.. etc.
Pets: His cat Hamane and his pidgeon owl Ronaldo.

Songs: His theme song: Manowar - Heart of Steel

Author:  bill [ Wed Oct 14, 2009 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Donald Ashalley

Updated a bit, with song, extra info on bio, etc.

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