World of Harry Potter Forums

Pierre-Valentine Belmont
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Author:  D_Black [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Pierre-Valentine Belmont



Name: Pierre-Valentine Belmont
House: Ravenclaw
Age: 14 (4th year currently)
Height: 5'9''
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue


Date of Birth: April 16th
Birthplace: Paris

Pierre's family mostly consists mostly of purebloods but thanks to some of the casanovas in his family, some half-bloods have been produced, such as himself.


Favorite color(s): Blue, Red, White, Purple
Favorite food: Tarts
Favorite beverage: Pumpkin Juice


His family being very caring, loving, and amongst the wealthy, he has felt little hardships. Although Pierre is a lover and can be seen whispering sweet things into the ears of young women and even sometimes curious guys, he can be firm when he needs to be.


Favorite Class: Charms
Least Favorite Class: Ancients Runes and History of Magic
Tends to excel in charms and potions.


Reading, fencing, flirting, dancing, hanging out.


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