World of Harry Potter Forums

Lucian Kenneth Vent. (Main char)
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Author:  Allie [ Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Lucian Kenneth Vent. (Main char)

First Name: Lucian
Middle Name: Kenneth
Last Name: Vent
Nickname: Kenny
Gender: Male
Age: Eleven - Eighteen (Sould be by now Fifteen)
Eye-Color: Light blue
Hair-Color: Dark-Red
Skin-Color: Normal,
Skin-Appearance: Smooth, Firm
Date pf birth: September....fith..1989

Attitude: Seems to keep to himself, Also a bit shy but seems gentle and fragile yet strong and fearless.

Appearance: Seems a bit old for his age tall and strong, His build is not much his build would be like a elf in a game, He seems to be wise and intelligent at such a young age but he does not like to show it.

Likes: Long walks on the beach, writeing in his journal and such.
Dislikes:Long walks on the beach.

Pets and Locations....: Has a tap danceing toad at his mothers house.
Shyness level: Shy arounds guys. Studdering shy around girls.

Author:  BackstreetBoy0101 [ Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

sounds like a ZS or RotD server, character bio

Author:  Allie [ Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:45 am ]
Post subject: 

I know :P :twisted: just wanted to make it longer.

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