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 Post subject: Rufus Maddox
 Post Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:58 pm 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Joined: Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:41 am
Posts: 208
Location: United States, Florida


Personal Information

Name: Rufus Maddox
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Year: 3
Nationality:<To be decided>
Hometown: <To be decided>
House: Slytherin (Almost became a Ravenclaw)
Blood Status: Unknown to anyone but Rufus.
Family History: Rufus never speaks of his family.
Parents: See above.
Siblings: None that are known of.



About Rufus: Though he normally keeps his hood up, if you ever see Rufus the first thing you will notice is that he is a severe albino. Because of this he always dresses to cover his entire body even if indoors. Rufus is very well spoken, and also highly intelligent. Some would consider him to be a genius, though a bit off in nature. He tends to be calm and quiet, but with a threatening, piercing gaze that could make you swear he might try to kill you in your sleep. Nobody really knows much about him though as he's not very social, and some are even intimidated by him if they ever look him in the eyes.


Hair style: Unruly
Hair color: Colorless White
Skin color: Off-white (hardly any color at all due to his albinism)
Height: 4' 6"
Weight: 75lbs.
Body Type: Small & skinny
Other info: Rufus takes care of his highly sensitive skin, but otherwise doesn't particularly care for his appearance short of dressing nice and professional. Would explain his unruly hair.


Misc Facts

<Under Construction>



Rufus's Song - Frontier Psychiatrist by The Avalanches.

Zackary Fang -- Kylindra Valerine
Last bumped by Frith Ra on Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:58 pm.

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