World of Harry Potter Forums

Derek Winters
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Author:  A_Shadow_of_Life [ Sun Apr 25, 2010 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Derek Winters

Derek Winters

Personal Information
Name: Derek Lee Winters
Age: (11 + Year) Currently 15
Year: 4th
House: Ravenclaw
Blood Status: Half-Blood. Father is muggle. Mother is a Witch.

Derek grew up in the United States, in Indiana, he grew up on a farm, though his Father was business savvy and had an excellent job. His mother also was savvy in business, and thus the family is well off in both the Mundane World and the Magical World. At the age of 10 his parents moved closer to his Mother's side of the family. And thus, closer to Hogwarts. At age 11 he recieved his owl, informing him of his acceptance to the school.

[Bio to be updated.]

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