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 Post subject: Nathaniel Russell Quade
 Post Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 5:59 pm 

Name: Nathaniel Russell
Family Name: Quade (changed from "McQuade" in the 1800's)
Nickname: Nate, Nathan, "Doc"
Ethnicity: Mixed Caucasian
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Eyes: Grey
Height: tall for his age
Build: average
Blood: Muggle born
Hometown: New York City
Parents: Thomas and Sally Quade
Siblings: none

Year: 5th
House: Hufflepuff

His father Thomas, originally planned on becoming a rich and famous celebrity doctor, but met and fell in love with Nathaniel's mother while in medical school. His mother wanted to uses her skill to help the needy so they started a clinic together in New York, NY. Thomas also works part time at a regular hospital so they make an OK living.

At a young age, Nathaniel displayed an unusual gift in healing. On occasion, he was found at the bedside of clinic patients, often holding their hand, and usually sound asleep. In the majority of these cases, the infirmed showed significant improvements. Only rarely would it be called "miraculous", however the results were always positive.

Early School Years:
Nathaniel spent his first two years focusing mostly on his studies, but has began working on being more social. He often found this difficult due to his childhood at his parents clinic. He spent many a day surrounded by bustling activity; surrounded, but rarely part of. Due to this, he felt removed from the things that happed around him. A purely psychological barrier.

Regularly seen in the Hospital Wing, he learns anything and everything he can from Madam Pomfrey. He has even become somewhat of a "field medic" in his own right, joining other students in exploring and adventuring if only to ensure everyone returns in one piece.

When students have minor mishaps, not worth a trip to the Hospital Wing, they know they can come to him for help. Some of the first and second years have asked for him specifically, being too embarrassed to admit they'd blown their eyebrows off casting the simplest of spells. Some of the regular "patients" have even started calling him "Doc".

//Please feel free to make suggestions, particularly if you have lore that I could use to help tie my character into the WoHP better.

Last edited by NeoMandalore on Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:48 pm, edited 5 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Nathaniel Russell Quade
 Post Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:43 pm 
Finished 2nd year.
Finished 3rd year.

 Post subject: Re: Nathaniel Russell Quade
 Post Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:50 pm 
Finished 4th year.

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