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 Post subject: Orphne Ragsworth
 Post Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:49 pm 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 650
Orphne Ragsworth

"Dance as though no one is watching you; love as though you have never been hurt before, sing as though no one can hear you, live as though heaven is on earth."
- Alfred Souza


Name: Orphne Portia Ragsworth
Nickname: Orphe
Age: 11
House: Gryffindor
Year: First
Birth date: June 19
Birthplace: Brighton, England
Heritage: Pureblood

Around 5'0" and seemingly very skinny, Orphne has a striking yet cutesy appearance. A mass of platinum blonde hair curls from her tender scalp, seeming untameable. Seeming fairly innocent, she often enjoys surprising people by releasing her inner 'rock chick' every once and a while, dancing to the Weird Sisters or the Sons of B*nshees. Her lithe figure rarely goes through any excercise, which she puts down to skipping meals and genetics. Others say she's secretly following the Snitch-Your-Food™ diet, consisting of one proper meal a day followed by liquid supplements, which seem comparable to goop by most. Her almond-shaped eyes are a light greyish blue, hooded by long lashes. Once asked to describe her eccentric wardrobe, she commented that it was a mixture of, "Retro, Hippy, Festival chic."

Personality and Mannerisms

Often spinning on her tiptoes across the Entrance Hall, Orphne shows little signs of being an introvert. However, she does show some signs of being able to learn in certain classes she enjoys. She'll be throwing toast at others in the Great Hall one minute and studying the effects of the Leg-Locking Jinx on Plimpies the next. Being quick to trust, she opens up easily to a lot of people and makes friends very quickly; which could also be counted as a fault, but thankfully, no one has taken advantage of her through this. She lacks motivation and determination, and only really tries for things she actually enjoys.


A firm enjoyer of playing the drums, Orphne will gladly help people jam out to music in the conservatory or in the Gardens. She once attempted to sneak into the Forbidden Forest with an electric guitar in an attempt to try and find somewhere to play it's symphonic tunes, turning up short when faced with an angry, foul-mouthed jarvey. She shows extremely little interest in sitting down and studying, and only tends to focus in a few select lessons; charms and transfiguration, mainly. The art of changing an object into something of her will interests her greatly.



Courtney Love - Mono

David Bowie - Life on Mars

Viktoria Bond - Jane Bond

"It was much pleasanter at home, when one wasn't always growing larger and smaller, and being ordered about by mice and rabbits."
- Lewis Carrol



Nathaniel Rhomas - Retired Diviner
Syrra Heskarma - Seventh Year Socialite
Orphne Ragsworth - First Year Frolicker

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