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 Post subject: Nim Kisto
 Post Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:52 pm 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year
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Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 15
Location: Right there.

Name- Nim Kisto
Age- 12
Year- 2nd

Nim is a very flexible looking kid, his body not build with 'muscles'. Instead, he's thin and very mobile. His eyes are a bright shade of green, almost like nightvision green. His semi-short hair in snow white, with some black streaks in the front. Around his neck he always wears a dog collar, a peace sign attached to the front of it.
The backround of Nim isn't very detailed. He himself has no recollection of where he was born or who his family is. He awoke one day, washed ashore by the ocean, and wandered off to find something to eat. With no memory, he walked about untill he found in Naxos, Sicily. A tourist there found him lost in the ruins, and took him to Taormina, just a few kilometers away. From there, the tourist kept the boy, feeding him and keeping him healthy, expecting the memory to return sooner or later. The tourist took Nim to Wolverhampton, England. From there, Nim slowly came to figure his magical capabilities, the man sending him off to Hogwarts to learn.

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