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 Post subject: Joshua James Barr
 Post Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:15 am 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Tue Oct 17, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 8
Location: England
Joshua's Full name is Joshua James Barr, he rarely uses his middle name though when he attepts to sound posh or better than he is, he will throw it in. Joshua is known by many names, Josh, Joshua and perhaps one of the more nasty nicknames "Mudblood."

Joshua when first coming to Hogwards was sorted into Hufflepuff, however due to pressures from home and hear say from about the castle he was persuaded to change house and is now a proud Gryffindor and knows that it is far better suited to his nature.

When he started Hogwarts he was Thirteen years old, he gets a year older nearing the end of completion of his coursework of the year above, so in second year he was fourteen, third year he was fifteen et cetera (so on and so forth).

Joshua was born in England not that far away from London, when he was younger he moved to the North east of england to a remote village what with moving from London to the North and then moving to Hogwarts he has been about a bit and seen his fare share in traveling.

Joshua has blue eyes, golden blonde hair, he is quite tall for his age about 5'9 he is not very muscly and quite skinny but stronger than he looks.

His parents are Jon and Eunice Barr, Jon was born in the south of England and Eunice was born in the North. He has no siblings however he was around alot of children as a child that he would consider brothers and sisters, that probably explains why he is good with children.

Aside from his trusty owl, Joshua can be seen traveling with a Raven called Nynaeve, Nynaeve was a family pet, little did the family know she was sent as a gift not to be revealed for what she truly was until Joshua came of age and started attending Hogwarts.

Joshua likes all his subjects, he generalises alot and is equally as good in each of them adveraging out at about a B grade student. He works hard and forms not only great relationships with students but with the adults around him aswell.

He can usually be seen smiling even when something is bothering him he usually puts on a brave face, one of his aims is to be as powerful as possible only so that he can help others not just with schooling but with life in general.

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