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Anula Bhaskar
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Author:  Reebober [ Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Anula Bhaskar

****Actual Footage from Anula's last few years involving her previous relationship****

"There are things you can never understand about my world, just as there are things you can never understand about mine."

***Theme song***
New Soul - Yael Naim


House: Hufflepuff
Likes: Most all creatures from thestrals to worms, dirt, compost, recycling, earth friendly lifestyles, scented candles and magnolias, candy that is not in the shape of something living. Strict Vegetarian
Favorite classes: Ancient Runes, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, Divinations, Astronomy


Generally just an odd person. But friendly and kind. Obviously of Indian decent given her darker skin tone, thick black hair and large dark eyes. When wearing short sleeves, some scarring is obvious on both upper arms. Often has traditional henna symbols drawn on her body. Often wears a small decorative piece between her eyebrows, but never a red or black dot since that marking is traditionally used for a married woman. Usually wearing some type of traditional jewelry, gold bracelets, a tiny stud nose ring, or sometimes a hoop, and long earrings. From age 9, she has lived in London, making her accent sometimes convoluted.


Wand: A distinctly Indian wand. The handle carved in the botanical shape of an unblossomed magnolia flower and carved from the sacred Ashoka trees of her homeland with a feather from a Gandaberunda. Slightly springy, but surprisingly sturdy wood, 8inches in length. Has a different look than most of Ollivanders work, some might speculate it was created by the only renowned Indian wand maker, Amit Banerjee.

Picture taken of Anula during her Fourth Year at Hogwarts.


Relationship Gossip: Most people who kept up on their gossip would have known she was often seen with Englebrecht Becker. But he was pulled from school suddenly. She was also often in proximity to Bartlby Sykes.

Author:  Reebober [ Tue Aug 08, 2017 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anula Bhaskar

Added theme song, and video footage with strong correlation to her past experiences

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