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Karen Bonoa
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Author:  Yendys [ Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Karen Bonoa

Basic Information
Name: Karen Bonoa
Birthday: April 14
Blood: Muggle-born
Year: Post-Grad
House: Ravenclaw Alumni
Languages: English(native), Brazilian Portuguese(fluent)

Physical description


At 5'4", Karen is slightly taller than average, with an average build - she's neither fat nor particularly thin. Her skin is naturally tanned, showing her mixed-race ancestry, and her eyes are brown. Her straight, medium-brown hair reaches her mid-back, and is often left loose. She is left-handed.

Her only apparent piercings are one in each earlobe. Those who have seen her at the beach or in other particular settings would know that she also wears a piercing in her belly button. She usually wears small silver-colored hoop earrings. The only other jewelry she ever wears is a silver bracelet, which she'll occasionally wear on her right wrist.

Karen is usually friendly, especially to younger students, unless it's too early in the morning or she's been having a bad day. While occasionally quiet, Karen doesn't usually have a problem speaking up in large groups, especially when she's being passionate about something. People who only know her as an acquaintance are usually astonished the first time they see her face down somebody who's doing something she considers wrong, as the normally quiet and friendly girl can channel some surprising fire when she's worked up. However, she will often step down into the background during conflicts when people with more aggressive personalities are present, standing as an observer and letting them argue amongst themselves. Her usual response to stress or conflict is to seek solitude and work out her feelings by herself, before coming back with a logical solution to the problem. Due to this method, she rarely holds grudges, often rationalizing the situation and forgiving people for what they've done, unless they offend repeatedly.

Early life
Karen Bonoa was born in London to a muggle couple. Her father, Manual Bonoa, had immigrated to England from Brazil to attend University, where he met her mother, Susan. Manual became a dentist, while Susan worked as a historical assistant at a museum. They married a few years after they met, and had two children - Karen and, three years later, Maria. Manual's dental practice was never very successful, and Susan's job at the museum didn't pay very well, so they struggled for money as the girls were growing up.

At the beginning of June when Karen was eleven years old, the entire family went on a camping trip to celebrate the end of school. Susan took Maria away from the camp to look for good roasting sticks, while Manual helped Karen build a fire. It was getting towards dusk, and they were having difficulties; the lighter they had brought was out of fuel, and Manual went to his truck to see if he had any matches. Karen remained by the fire, clicking the lighter absentmindedly, until she heard a noise in the bushes. Scared, she looked around for her father, but saw no sign of him. The noise came again, and she screamed, just as the logs she was kneeling over burst into flame, revealing her mother and sister.

She wasn't severely hurt, though her long hair had to be cut above her ears because it was badly singed. Her parents decided that the lighter must have had some fuel left after all, and that the fire had been burning without her knowledge before it had lept up like that due to a sudden breeze. However, when her acceptance letter arrived from Hogwarts later that summer, her parents acknowledged that it had been her fear of the unknown that had summoned that fire - either to show her what was in the woods, or to protect her from it. Though they had little wealth to their name, they managed to scrape together enough funds so that she could purchase second-hand books and robes.

Life at Hogwarts
She arrived at Hogwarts and was promptly sorted into Ravenclaw, though she often remarks that it considered Gryffindor before making the final decision. She found the house much to her liking, and threw herself into her classes, determined to make the most of her time at the school. Her natural talents in potion-making and growing things, combined with an uncanny ability to control the movement of objects in space, served her well in Charms, Herbology and Potions classes. She also excelled in History of Magic, a class which put most of her classmates to sleep. However, her struggles in Astronomy showed that her ability to succeed in any given class was directly related to how interesting she found the subject matter.

She mostly kept to herself in her first few years, though she did make a few friends, and near the end of her fourth year, she began dating Matt Smith of Gryffindor, a relationship that only lasted for several weeks before the annoyance of his never being around caused her to consider it ended. However, it was several more weeks before she finally found him in order to actually break up with him. Just before her O.W.L. exams, she was chosen as the female prefect for her house. She added the additional duties of becoming Madam Pince's library assistant to her workload the following year. In her free time, she can sometimes be found working on her research or reading, either in the library or outside if the weather is good. However, often she simply can't be found, as she tends to secret herself away for hours in one of several hiding places she's found over the years.

Entering her seventh year, she seemed to have finally struck a balance of school, library work, prefect duties and a limited social life. However, she often finds her plans difficult to enact due to a lack of funds, though adding a job or internship on top of her already heavy load is something that she has resisted doing. She picked up remedial Transfiguration for her seventh year, a class which she hadn't taken during the previous year. If questioned, she would offer no explanation for her change of heart, only a desire to re-take the OWL.


Ancient Runes



Care of Magical Creatures


Defense Against the Dark Arts


History of Magic



Important Possessions
Sasha - Her Cat
Sasha is a white British Shorthair that Karen got as a pet on her ninth birthday. She stays in the Ravenclaw common area, except when Karen takes her outside.

Corujinha - Her Pigeon Owl
On her Christmas holidays her fourth year, Karen visited her grandmother in Brazil. While she was there, she complained about how difficult it was to send letter and parcels using the school owl system. On her birthday that year, her grandmother arranged for her to be sent her own owl. It lives in the school's owlery.

Her wand is plain, appearing as a straight willow stick approximately 9 1/2 inches long. The only interruption of the wand's smooth surface is an etching of a 1cm-wide band of leaves circling the base of the wand. Karen rarely discloses the content of her wand's core.


Author:  Yendys [ Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karen Bonoa

Updated her year and physical description(her hair is growing back :P).

Author:  Yendys [ Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karen Bonoa

Updated her year and a few other weird facts that have occurred to me as I've played her.

Author:  Yendys [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karen Bonoa

Updated year information and life at hogwarts section.

Author:  Yendys [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karen Bonoa

Updated year, added height, updated life at Hogwarts section, and added a section for information about important possessions/other stuff.

Author:  Yendys [ Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karen Bonoa

Added Aguamenti to the favorite spells list. Because really, any spell which can be used within a few days to fill a basin with water, wash something, soak an annoying hufflemuffin, and extinguish matthew pace's butt is pretty awesome. :P

Author:  Yendys [ Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karen Bonoa

Edited/reorganized everything, except for the early life section.

Author:  Yendys [ Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karen Bonoa

Changed the composition of her wand from oak to willow, now that I know I can RP it as something other than what she got randomly assigned. Still not telling the core. ;)

Author:  Yendys [ Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karen Bonoa

Updated her life at hogwarts section and added a bit about her room.

Author:  Yendys [ Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karen Bonoa

Re-organized, re-wrote, added new stuff, etc. Actually explained why she's been such a library lurker lately, finally.

Author:  Yendys [ Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karen Bonoa

Updaaaaaaaate...changed her year, added a paragraph to the end of her life at hogwarts section, listed the NEWT classes she was taking(I thought I'd done that already!) and tweaked various wordings.

Author:  Yendys [ Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karen Bonoa

MUSIC! And don't tell me it doesn't fit, do you see inside Karen's head? No? Then be quiet! She has REASONS GORRAM IT!

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