World of Harry Potter Forums

Keneith Stevens
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Author:  Collin [ Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Keneith Stevens

Name: Keneith Stevens

Age: Eleven

Parents: Ronald and Roselyn Stevens

Appearance:Four foot Nine, redish brown hair, light bright blue eyes, medium size mouth. Small pointed noes, long eyelashes, a bright smile, freckles on his cheeks and arms, a slightly always tanned skin tone. His smile would be missing a few teeth that would be growing back in. He would have ears that would fit his average size head. Long legs making up half his height. He would be seen with robes on during classes, and jeans and a t-shirt in the spring and summer months, but a long-sleeve shirt in fall, and a sweater in winter. His feet, would often be hiden in his size nine shoe.


This Photo is found in his room, he says it was taken when he was ten.

Dialect: Irish-English

Birthplace: London, England

Blood status: Pure

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