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 Post subject: Balgaire Ainslie
 Post Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 7:41 pm 

Full Name: Balgaire Cleirach Ainslie
Nicknames: Gair
House: Slytherin
Year: 1st
Age: 11
Magical Heritage: Pureblood
Birthplace: Scotland

Father: Gregor
Mother: Cait
Older Brother: Nathair (deceased)
Younger Sister: Gavina
Youngest Sister: Laria
Youngest Brother: Artis

Born and raised in the forests of Scotland, Balgaire is, in fact, his parents' second child. His older brother he never really knew, having died at a young age in an accident his parents don't willingly talk about. What was his brother's birthright is now his; he is expected to one day lead the family in place of his father.

Both of his parents are practiced in Divination. His father Gregor keeps a respectful relationship with the centaur populace in Scotland and consults them from time to time on Astrological matters. Both he and Balgaire's mother Cait, prefer to read signs within nature and do not rely on man made objects such as crystal balls and tarot cards.

// CC: Druid

// I'm going to attempt to make use of some Scottish dialect. We'll see how that goes. :roll:

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