World of Harry Potter Forums

Elysia Dimitrious
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Author:  PrincessoftheLights [ Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  Elysia Dimitrious

((This is my char for the year up thing that is starting soon, she is not active yet))



Elysia appears to be in her younger years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, her house colors are always worn with pride. Loose black curls frame her face, ending just below her shoulders as piercing green eyes stare out at you. Elysia has quite a slender frame, and appears to be of average height and her skin has an olive sort of tone to it, when she speaks, it is always with proper enunciation, her posture is good and she seems to be a friendly sort.

More to follow...

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