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 Post subject: Angel Siger
 Post Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:39 pm 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 4
Location: Florida, USA
Name : Angel Siger
Age : 16
Eye Color : Blue
Height : 5'4

Family History : Angel grew up in a big family. She has 3 brothers and 3 sisters. Suna, Tiani, Tim, Kylie, Tayrael, and Nicholas. Our Parents died right before Suna got the letter to Hogwarts by a Death Eater. Suna was 11. Tiani was 10, Tim was 9, I 8 Kylie was 7 and Tyrael and Nicholas were 6.

Angel's Personality/History : Angel grew up with a alot of kids. She was right in the middle of all her brothers and sisters. When she was only 8 years old her parents were killed. When They died, Suna (Her oldest sister) became like our mother. At times Angel would give Suna a hard time because Angel thought she was independant.

A year before Angel went to Hogwarts she had a boyfriend. Unfortunately he was very abusive and mean. He always hit her and never loved her.

She came to Hogwarts she wasn't able to trust guys very well. Then she found one guy who was very sweet to her. His name is Chance Ferrin. They have been together for 3 years now.

Her best friends are, Drogo, Sasha, Loric, and Delia. She dreams of being a prefect and an Auror just like her sister Suna. The reason is because she hates Death Eaters, mainly because of the one that killed her parents. She loves Hogwarts and she's usually a great person. She can be loud, funny, serious, and playful. Depends on who she's around and who you are.

Angel Siger - - Gryfindor


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