World of Harry Potter Forums

Shilo Carter
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Author:  ShacadiaShay [ Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:53 am ]
Post subject:  Shilo Carter

Shilo Carter

Age: 11
Age appears to be: 10

Hair: Long curly Blonde
Eyes: Sapphire Blue
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Nationality: British
Physical Build: Slender
Dominant Hand: Right


Year: 1th
House: N/A
Favourite Class: N/A
Least Favourite: N/A


Special Features:

Personality: Bubbly, Confident


Barn Owl, “Buttons”


Annabelle Carter (nee' Arthur)
Joshua aged 24, Married to Alexis (nee' Johnson)
Samantha, age 23, Engaged to Lucas Lawrence
Toni, Troy and Terry age 18
Jessica, age 16
Sara, age 13



Shilo doesn't talk much about her home, so most people only know that she's the youngest of eight children. Her siblings all go to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, but her parents decided she'd benefit more to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


Crushes/love life of her past & present:-


~In Game Bio~

Shilo is of average height, with long blonde hair and her eyes like two large almond shaped sapphires, her figure rather slender, and her skin held a light tan. Her voice somewhat soft but held a very
She grew up with a very troubled past that makes her lack trust in others. Shay has very few strong British accent.
She walks with a confidence that is admirable for someone her age. Don't be fooled this little girl is more then meets the eye.

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