World of Harry Potter Forums

Riena Nerumosa
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Author:  lykle [ Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:34 am ]
Post subject:  Riena Nerumosa

Height: 4 feet
Weight: 90 lbs.
Year: Third
Parents: (Both Muggles) Maria Nerumosa(mother), George Nerumosa(father)
Hair Color: Mostly Dull white-grey, still a couple spots of Blond in her hair
EyeColor: Completely changed from Brown to a stunning vibrant Blue
Wand: 7 inch Madrona wood wand with a dual core of Unicorn Hair and Kelpie hair.

Bio: She grew up on a farm somewhere in western Europe. She started secluding herself(and getting shy), starting to "make friends" with animals on the farm, due to all her human friends moving away or other similar occurrences. The farm is fairly large, with her aunt and uncle living in a house nearby(they are Wizards)...They found her cat Marigold a couple years before she was sent to Hogwarts, in a patch of marigold plants, and decided to name her that and keep her.

//will add more when think of things

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