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Catherine Murphy
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Author:  Charity [ Sat Aug 11, 2012 3:43 am ]
Post subject:  Catherine Murphy


Name: Catherine Anne Murphy
Age: 11
Year: 1
Nationality: Irish/English
House: Slytherin
Blood Status: Half-blood
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Wand: Holly, Unicorn Hair
Date of Birth: August 12
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Birthplace: London, England


Mother: Anna Murphy
Father: Matthias Penward
Half-Brother: Joshua Tannerman

Author:  Charity [ Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Catherine Murphy

Anna Murphy left her home in Killarney, Ireland for adventure and to get away from her strict religious upbringing. A few years later the adventure had palled somewhat and Anna was alone and broke in London. Unwilling to go back and face her family, she ended up working at an inner city strip club.

A brief affair with one of the club's patrons, Matthias Penward, left Anna pregnant with no way of contacting her lover, who had vanished with no contact details (and could not be found in the phone book), once he had decided to settle down with an an appropriate wife of his own class.

Intending to give the baby up for adoption, Anna found herself unable to go through with it when Catherine was born. They never had much money, but she tried her best to provide for her daughter. Catherine grew up hanging around the strip club where her mother worked, although Anna did try and shield her as much as she could from the more sordid aspects of her job.

A shock came when Catherine was 11, and an explanation was offered for the strange occurrences that had always happened around her, when she was accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Anna couldn't afford the tuition but Catherine was able to attend anyway using the fund set aside for impoverished students.

There never having been any magic in her mother's family, Catherine became suddenly more interested in the father she had never known. All she knew was his name, but that was enough to start investigating whether or not he had ever been at Hogwarts.

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