World of Harry Potter Forums

Candace Purser
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Author:  Madsqueaky [ Sun Aug 23, 2015 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Candace Purser


Miracle Mile - Cold War Kids

Long ringlets - nearly platinum blonde in shade - cascade hodge-podgedly to her shoulders, held from her face by a black hairband, although curls fall past her eyebrows anyway. Her eyes - one an unremarkable blue while the other a dark hazel - are often wide and excited, reflecting a determinedly naive and child-like faith in humanity. Her body is lithe and light (although she is quite short,) reminding some of a gymnast's build, and if asked about athletics, she'd be enthusiastic in her accounts of her times with a trampoline.

Oddly enough, she is quick to cry - from happiness, stress or simply from sadness - although she often smiles so easily. And, as a young Gryffindor, she is unafraid of speaking her mind (which is often full of nice things anyway) or heading first into a situation, even if it may land her in trouble. Usually, she is happily oblivious to innuendo or insults because she is innocent enough to believe that people don't really mean it, that they must be joking.

She is - more or less - enthusiastic in everything she does.

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