World of Harry Potter Forums

Jessica Alistar
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Author:  stingray888 [ Fri Jun 28, 2019 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Jessica Alistar

Jessica Alistar

Jessica is a young 11 year old student originally from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Sorted into Slytherin House and attending Hogwarts for only part of her first year, she's currently spending her time learning from other schools and universities throughout the world. Usually showing some hint of green in the clothes she wears, Jessica feels it is necessary to represent her 'house' at all times. Jessica is an abitious person, not one to be tied down to one place for long, she craves a more 'hands-on' approach to her learning.

(This character does not actually exist on the WOHP server but is presented here for reference purposes and because WOHP is the basis and inspiration for Jessica Alistar. She's currently attending Sigweum University in the land of Lomar on the 'World of Karador' server.)

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