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 Post subject: Amethyst Woods
 Post Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:03 am 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year
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Joined: Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:51 pm
Posts: 23
Location: Kalamazoo, MI
Amethyst Lilac Woods


Name: Amethyst Lilac Woods

Nicknames: Amy, Ames, Woods

Age: 11

Year: 1

House: Gryffindor

Wand: Ebony Phoenix Feather, 10 3/4 inches

Favorite Class: Undecided

Favorite Teacher: Undecided

Likes: The moonlight, stars, and absolute silence

Dislikes: Bright lights, sudden or loud noises, and surprises

Birthday: May 13th

Blood Status: Half-Blood

Height: 4'2"

Weight: 59 lbs



Amethyst's life at home could be considered just about average. She had two parents, who had only ever been married to each other, and four younger siblings, three being brothers and one sister. Naturally, Amy was the first to receive her letter, impressing all of her siblings. Though they knew of magic, being half-blooded as they were, it was often doubted if any of them had any sort of magical ability. It was almost as if the arrival of this letter was some sort of new hope for the rest of the children in the house.

Amethyst was not particularly excited to leave for Hogwarts. Though she was assured that the new experience would be exciting and fun, Amethyst could not seem to get herself excited. She hated leaving home, and hated change even more than that. She knew that her first year would be difficult for her, and that was the only thing she could think of, even on her way there, when all of her classmates chattered excitedly.



Amethyst is a rather prim and proper young girl, addressing everyone as "sir" or "ma'am" and replying as respectfully as possible. She may cross her arms, but her spine is always straight as she stands or sits, never slouching. She would not be caught sitting on the ground unless invited to do so. It almost seems that she is looking down on most other people, but if asked, she would reveal her true feelings on a person without hesitation. She would also explain that there is not a single person that she dislikes, only a select few with whom she cannot keep her patience. When spoken to, she tries to always to be kind, though her words don't always come out as she likes them to.



The only relationship that Amethyst has made yet is one with Cameron Outlaw, a boy that she met in Diagon.



Amy has a brown owl named Priscilla, as well as a Dalmation named Reginald.



Standing at a height of four feet, two inches and weighing just under sixty pounds, Amethyst appears to be relatively thin, and just a little under average in height. Her eyes are a light crystal blue, reminding some of winter's icy chill. Her skin is a natural sort of tan, but it is obvious that the sun doesn't visit her often, and that this color is one that she was born with. Her hair is a messy light brown, almost entirely straight, with some blonde highlights. It's obvious that she doesn't take a brush through it often, as it always seems to be rather tangled, though not so much as to make it unmanageable. Her eyebrows are thin and her light pink lips plump. She has a natural blush to her cheeks, and she wears a constantly serious expression. As far as her choice in clothing goes, it seems as though she is trying, perhaps unsuccessfully, to balance girly with boyish. Though she always wears a skirt, she is never seen without her tennis shoes.


Ronni Malle, Slytherin Seventh Year
Tigger Alayne, Ravenclaw First Year

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