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 Post subject: Caterina Sixx
 Post Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:59 am 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Joined: Tue Jun 15, 2010 10:21 pm
Posts: 333
Location: Jackson, Tn

Full Name: Caterina Crystal Sixx
Nickname: Cat, C.C.
Gender: Female
Age: Eleven
School Attendance: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
House: Ravenclaw
Year: First
Birthplace: Sidney, Australia
Nationality: Australian
Blood Status: Muggle-Born
Languages: English
Birthday: November 13th
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Hair Color: Velvet Red
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Height: 5 0
Weight: 95 Ib

Wand: Ebony Phoenix Feather 10/3'


Jensen Scott Sixx (father, deceased)
Clarissa Marie Sixx (mother)

On November 13th, Caterina is a Muggle-Born from Sidney, Australia and was raised by her mother after her father died six months after she was born, leaving her to grow up without knowing who he was, but her mother had surprised her with a Husky puppy named Glimmer. She first discovered she had magical abilities when she was eight years old and got rejected by those around her, she felt out of place, like she didn't belong, but due to her mother having a big love for kids, she ran a foster care for orphans to help give children a good family, though, as a child, Caterina didn't make many friends that lasted as they got adopted before she could get comfortably close to them, but she has managed to talk to them while keeping an emotionally long distance apart, so she mostly minded her own business.

Appearance & Personality
Caterina is quite short as she stands at 5' 0 with Emerald Green eyes and shoulder-length Velvet Red hair that she sometimes curls on the ends as well as having small, baby-like, sized hands and weighs no more than 95 Ib. When approached, she can usually be seen wearing a tall pointed hat along with pointed shoes; of which her feet would appear as about the same size as her hands and she often smiles being in much a happy and always a friendly mood as ever. If in clear view to others, a star piercing reflecting a sparkling shine exposed from light can be revealed upon her left ear. She's rather polite and speaks with an Australian accent, but doesn't say much unless spoken too.




Caterina Sixx - First year Ravenclaw
Faith McIntosh - Third year Hufflepuff
Wesley Cross - Seventh Year Gryffindor
Mitchel Mercury - First year Slytherin
Jericho Vice - First year Hufflepuff
Channing McIntosh - First year Hufflepuff
Whitlock Tsunami - First year Slytherin

Last edited by Jigsaw on Thu Dec 12, 2013 5:48 pm, edited 4 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Caterina Sixx
 Post Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:16 pm 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Joined: Tue Jun 15, 2010 10:21 pm
Posts: 333
Location: Jackson, Tn
Added pet and owl.

Caterina Sixx - First year Ravenclaw
Faith McIntosh - Third year Hufflepuff
Wesley Cross - Seventh Year Gryffindor
Mitchel Mercury - First year Slytherin
Jericho Vice - First year Hufflepuff
Channing McIntosh - First year Hufflepuff
Whitlock Tsunami - First year Slytherin

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