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 Post subject: Vich Weber
 Post Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:20 am 
Plant Talker
Plant Talker
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Joined: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 495
Location: Caldwell, ID
The young man before you is quite the oddity, to say the least. He seems rather sickly, blue and purple veins pulsating beneath a pale flesh coating. His head (and presumably, his body) is devoid of any hair whatsoever. The frail boy has barely any flesh on his bones, but his pale green eyes betray a strength of will underlying the faulty form. It is rather...unnerving.

The boy speaks with a calm, measured cadence; constantly following formal social etiquette but quite unwilling to discuss anything related to his past experiences. His robes pin him as a Slytherin, so one would assume he'd be within the dormitories when not attending his classes. He is rarely seen to eat with the other students, spending most of his time at the dinner table calmly picking and nibbling at various tidbits.

The boy shows a reserved enthusiasm for all of his classes, seeming to favor studying for History of Magic during his time in the dormitories.

(I figured, since I'm not going to have access to the game for a while, I'd make the bio for the character I'd just created. I'll try to be around on the forums to rp.)

Brennan Brask: 7th Year Slytherin
Ryuzaki Tanaka: 7th Year Ravenclaw

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