World of Harry Potter Forums

Saethe "Seth" Spellsurge
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Author:  Saethe [ Tue Dec 23, 2014 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Saethe "Seth" Spellsurge

(Pretty sure this guy isn't famous, I just typed in guys with dark spiky hair on google and he came up, do let me know if he is and I'll change it)

Name: Saethe "Seth" Spellsurge

Age: Eighteen

Year: Seventh

House: Gryffindor

Height: 6' 0"

Weight: 180 lbs

Blood: Half-blood

Skin Color: Tanned

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Birthday: October 17th

Pet: A Husky named Spike

Seth is 6'0" and weighs roughly 180 pounds. He has dark, brown eyes and shortish brown hair that is normally spiked up in some kind of way (See picture at the top). Always wearing some form of red somewhere on his outfits to show he belongs to Gryffindor house.

People that know Seth will notice he's very cocky, arrogant and full of himself. He's very brash and impulsive and doesn't give things to much thought in regards to his actions and consequences and more often than not, will act on his emotions.

Saethe, was born into a rather wealthy family. His mother was in the military and was stationed in Australia, where Saethe was born on an October day. His father was a wizard, and his mother a muggle. He lived with both of his parents until he turned eleven when he got his letter. His mother did not want to send her only child away, and so she disproved of sending him off to school for seven years. So in an attempt to calm his mother, Saethe's father took her along to Diagon Alley to shop for his school supplies. She was so amazed at what she saw and realized all the good things he'd learn at Hogwarts and decided it was for the best if he went off to school.

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