World of Harry Potter Forums

Raven Lofte
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Author:  ShadeTalon [ Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  Raven Lofte




A young girl with vibrant hazel eyes stares up at you, calculatingly
before a small almost smirk-like smile fits onto her lips. Her hair
dyed a deep mystical blue although her roots do betray her at times
and reveal her true reddish tinged brown hair.

Her skin is softly sun-kissed and she is usually dressed
in comfortable, casual clothing. Although quite pretty, she
seems to be avoidant of what some people would deem normal of
a young woman; such as wear makeup, jewelry and having a calm collected nature.


She is the child born of Gabrielle and Howard Lofte; both of whom
are part of the wizarding world. Although brought up a pureblood,
she does not seem to care upon the fact if others around her are or
aren't as well. When asked about her origin and family she is only able
to disclose the information of her parents names.

She does not seem to be quite certain of her birthplace or homeland and
willingly admits to having been moved around her entire life.

When inquired about having siblings she also admits to being an only
child, she doesn't seem to mind this fact.

The girl seems highly fond of her father and readily speaks about
him and their antics together; when it comes to her mother however,
she seems more tentative about disclosing information of their habits
and tries to skirt around the subject.

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