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 Post subject: Tatiana Dementieva
 Post Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:34 pm 
Forum Second Year
Forum Second Year
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Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2015 5:05 am
Posts: 27
Location: Auckland, New Zealand.


Origin: Peckham, London.
Age: 14
Year: 4th
Eyes: Golden Honey
Hair: Dark Brown / Black


Tatiana's parents, along her Grandparents on her father's side, and a large group of aunts, uncles and cousins, all migrated together from Russia's capital, Moscow. Tati was born in London, but still spends some holidays with the rest of her Russian relatives, and from this and spending so much time around her family, has picked up a hint of the accent.

Mother: Veronika Dementieva

Father: Vladislav Dementieva

Grandmother (Father's side): Anastasiya Dementieva

Cousin (played IG:) Anna Daljera

Progress at Hogwarts:

Most of Tatiana's time at Hogwarts is spent dreaming up lyrics for new songs and different ways to play her guitar. While this makes her widely considered a "Slacker," this does not mean she isn't bright in her own creative way.

Her favourite subjects are ones she finds come easy to her. Divinations, Care of Magical Creatures, and Music.


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