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Sienna Winters
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Author:  fallenpraise [ Mon May 07, 2007 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Sienna Winters

The snow comes down heavily outside the window as a young Sienna stares longingly out at the frozen landscape beyond her family's keep in Northern Ireland. She sighs heavily and turns her attention back to her boring goblin Tutor that her parents had hired. She drifts off slightly before being rudely snapped to reality by a banging at the door, It opens and her Au Pair comes in tears streaming down her face, the banging continues as she sinks down in front of Sienna. "S...S...Sienna darling...," The womans voice is broken by sobs and the banging noise, "You're p...parents...have been... k...killed" The world seems to go into a sick slow motion as the woman continues to weep and the banging gets louder...

Sienna wakes up rubbing her eyes, the same dream again... *BANG BANG BANG* At least that part wasn't entirely false, she rolls out of bed and opens the door of her room in her family's... no -Her- London apartment. A new Au Pair this time, the other one probably fired shortly after her parents death. "What do you want... Chelsea?"

"Begging you're pardon young miss, it's Alisia... But it is almost time for you to leave for school, the train leaves in two hours and you need to finish packi..."

The young woman doesn't finish her sentence as Sienna closes the door in her face and walks over to her school trunk and finishes putting her last things away into it.

An hour later Sienna stands on the platform in front of the Hogwarts express. She boards it and continues to an empty carriage to sit and wait the long trip out...

Name: Sienna Winters
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Auburn
Complexion: Pale
Attitude: Cold and reserved
History: Her parents were killed by Death Eaters, when she was a young age, and as such she has a deep hate of Dark Wizards, she doesn't show this though, and covers it with ice cold regard and attitude. She has an almost insatiable hunger to obtain power enough to never have to depend on anyone else, she carries a lot of misplaced anger and over time it has made her abrupt and callous towards others.

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