World of Harry Potter Forums

Beitiris Thistlethorn
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Author:  Bjorn [ Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Beitiris Thistlethorn


Name: Beitiris Thislethorn
Origin: Thislethorn island, Orkney
Blood: Pureblood
House: Slytherin
Year: First


Physicals: Rather spindly and straight lined girl, with blonde hair, brown eyes and almost permanent cheery expression. Occasional scarring tissue on the back.

Attire: Simple and practical clothes when not stuck in school robes. Tends to permanently wear a scarf around her head in matching colors.

Mahagony wand, eight inches, supple, dragon heartstring core.

Short bio: Daughter to an old family of reclusive wizards who dabble in studies of darker sort. Seems rather cheerful and happy despite her origins trying to understand this whole friends thing people tell her about.

Random tidbits:
- Has a pet Parrot
- Has creepily happy smile
- Does not understand some social norms

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