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 Post subject: Dale Brown
 Post Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 6:06 am 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year
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Joined: Thu May 24, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 1
Personality, Lifestyle, and Bio
Dale is often considered to be very hyper. His random bursts of energy usually come from his almost constant consumption of candy. It drains his money faster than he would like and he continues to try to lay off the candy, but his attempts are always in vain. Besides, the last time he quit sugary products, he became addicted to worse stuff, so he willingly went back to eating candy.

People often confuse Dale's hyperness for ADD, but that is not the case. Though he has not been tested for it, he is convinced that he does not have ADD. His attempts to stop these beliefs are never successful.

Dale constantly finds ways to bring an optimism to all the places he visits. He rarely shows even a hint of pessimism when he can avoid it. He finds that life is better if you think it's better.

Just like most young boys his age, he has no interest in girls yet and will probably be unwilling to respond to a girl who tries to communicate with him. Professors aren't a problem, though. He has issues with accepting the fact that old women are girls, so he does not see them as such and will most likely respond if he isn't shy, which only tends to happen when he isn't around anybody he knows. At those times, he isn't comfortable trying to make strangers laugh, in case they develop bad impressions of him (Pet peeve #1: first impressions)

Back at home, Dale lived a sheltered life for the most part. His parents refused to let him watch anything over PG, go to school events, etc. Because of that, Dale has developed a habit of only hanging out with friends at school and extracurricular activities, which involve music in one way or another (Dale plays violin, viola d'amore, and bass as his three primary instruments). Therefore, he has never been able to develop any close friendships.

Dale is an only child but has both a mother and a father. His mother is a lawyer and his father is the manager of a Chuck E. Cheese's, so money is never a problem for Dale's family. They live in a two-story house in Colorado Springs, CO (USA). They are both wizards, but neither of them choose to continue practicing their magic. They wanted to live normal lives. But when Dale received his acceptance letter for Hogwart's, he insisted enough to convince his parents to let him go. That wasn't very hard because Dale's parents spoil him.

Dale is fairly short for his age, but his parents expect him to go throw major growth spurts throughout high school, since his father is 6' 4" and his mother is 5' 10". He manages to keep in a relatively fit condition from the jumping and running he does when he gets hyper, so the candy does not make him gain wait. He has brown eyes and brown hair. He is half Korean, his mother being the Korean. Unfortunately, he is not familiar with the Korean language or customs. His hair is just long enough to cover his eyebrows in the front. It maintains roughly the same length throughout. He has two legs and two arms, each with five toes and five fingers respectively.

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