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 Post subject: Katlin McManis
 Post Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 7:37 pm 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year
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Joined: Sun Jul 22, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 2
Location: Rewriting the Future
Age: 11-17
Hair Color: Jet Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5'6" – 5’7”
Weight: 103 Pounds
Weapon: Wand, Will, Occlumency, Speech
Birth Date: June 5th
Blood Type: A-
Blood: Pure
House: Slytherin
Aspired Quidditch Position: Beater, Team Captain

A Pretty Piece of Flesh.

Katlin is an attractive young girl with a mischievous smile. She stands at five foot six or seven, and her thick, slightly curly, short jet hair sets her apart from the average bustling school girl. Her bosom is well endowed, but not excessively so, and her hips are wide enough to catch the testosterone driven eye. Her face is high cheekboned, striking, and decidedly feminine, despite her obvious attempts at capturing the masculine manner. Her voice is pleasant and velvet smooth, carrying hints of an Irish accent. Various features hint at Veela lineage. Though, something else, perhaps her determination, reminds you of a young Roman lord.

The physical trait that is most off-putting however, are her glittering, searching, dark eyes. Katlin appears self assured at all instances, bordering on playful arrogance, although, you are sure all is not right with her. She moves like a cat. Speech is liquid honey, with a small grain of venom carried in every word. Her cocky grin or delighted smile, as well as tough-as-nails sentiments, are sure to color a room. She’ll drop a suggestion every now and then that most others just can’t follow. This natural born thespian plays with motive and characterization, leaving others wondering if she is toying with them, or simply daft. It’s more than obvious Katlin has been in a scrap or two, and thoroughly enjoyed them. She can become angelic in a moment’s notice. Persuasive. Ruthless. Unstable. Gifted. There is no proof of ill intent. Nothing seems practiced.

As you talk to this girl, a memory tugs at your subconscious.

But is There Something Ulterior?

Perceived Base Statistics
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 14
Wisdom: 8
Intelligence: 14
Charisma: 16

(Note: This is simply an abstract description. An actual biography will be added with time.)

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