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 Post subject: Bella Guriko
 Post Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:07 am 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year
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Joined: Mon May 21, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 3
Name: Bella Guriko

Home: She have just moved to London from denmark, so she could studdy at hogwarts, she comes from Denmark, and recived a letter from a nordian Wizard call Hunias Jumbelbuk. He is qite forumus and, she was toled that he could if the fammly premitet it get her into the best boarding school in england, wich sould be all for free. he would cover the cost as he realy like Bella.

Eyes: Bule

Hair: Blond and is in a ponytail

Height: low for her year

Siblings: None

Star sign: Gemini

Family history: She have just moved to London from denmark, so she could studdy at hogwarts, she comes from Denmark, and recived a letter from a nordian Wizard call Hunias Jumbelbuk. He is qite forumus and, she was toled that he could if the fammly premitet it get her into the best boarding school in england, wich sould be all for free. he would cover the cost as he realy like Bella. Some rumour in Bellas hometown went about her not being the kid of Henrik Jordhøj and Janic Guriko, cures she do not realy look like any of them and as Henrik keep thinking that this Hunias, have more common whit her daughter and she looks a bit like him. But, the fact as it stand is that Bella is a puremuggelborn. even tough Bella and Henrik boht have question this.

Personality: Bella is a littel scared girl. She cant stand flying wich comes from her frist broom expirince at hogwarts. She do admire people how dare to play Quidditch. And she studdy hard to get the grades she that she does, they are not overwhelming and she struggel not to be the buttem of the classes. she have a hard time speking englihs and she likes to cast jinx and ohter spells. All thoes thing do her to a littel nerd that seeams to have a hard time at hogwarts. But if you looks at her as she wounder around hogwats you will almost always get a smile form her curse she likes magic so much that she cant resist to smile as she walks around.

Current year: 3

Friends: She likes a lot of the lot at hogwarts and Reha and Alex have help her alot so she realy think of them as some kind of freinds. An in this time it seams like she become more found of some girls from the Griffendor house.

Enemies: I hope i dont have eny ;)


I would realy like a comment at this or two, i know my englihs is horrible so dont comment on that part. And, it have been real grate to jon the coumity of hogwarts in nwn in this time i just wait for my pc to come back from the ded.

Last edited by and62 on Sat Aug 11, 2007 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 2:22 am 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year
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Posts: 3

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