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 Post subject: Does anyone else get this problem?
 Post Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 2:19 pm 
Forum Fourth Year
Forum Fourth Year
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Joined: Thu Aug 02, 2007 12:00 am
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When you've been away from the server for a while, do you ever forget exactly which characters know what regarding your character's back story? Not so much Alex but my other character (Jenny) as she has a whole in depth background story.

Also, seeing as Gamespy seems to have stopped supporting NwN (!!), I presume the only way to connect to the server now is through a direct connection?

 Post subject: Re: Does anyone else get this problem?
 Post Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 2:29 pm 
Azkaban Escapee
Azkaban Escapee
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Sometimes! But I just assume that, unless I'm absolutely certain, then the person don't know. Odds are one or the other forgot anyway, so it doesn't hurt to repeat it. And if the other person does know, they'll probably inform you, and you just play it off as your character being forgetful or something. Works with my characters, at least, though I suppose it may not with yours.

And yes, gotta direct connect to join. It will appear in your history and favourites though, so just gotta do it once. Look here.

Local Lurker and Knower of the Unknown and Unknowable. Also a bit full of itself, and an occasional prick.

 Post subject: Re: Does anyone else get this problem?
 Post Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 3:41 pm 
Forum Fourth Year
Forum Fourth Year
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Joined: Thu Aug 02, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 130
Thanks for the reply! Interesting that I'm not the only who does that. Tbf, I can't really remember but I think only one or possibly two characters knew anything about Jenny's backstory as she'd be very disinclined to tell anyone. One was Saph I think and the other person a girl I met on the Hogwarts Express, but I can't remember exactly who. I'm thinking from now on I should use the journal feature and note down who learns what and when.

And thanks for the link!

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