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 Post subject: Re: Apparate Spell
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 2:55 pm 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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well knowing the film makers of the movie, seeing that harry potter is the most big hit movie series in the world, behind avatar of course, they wouldn't leave anything out, i told my best friend some of the scenes that are shown in the deathly hallows and he read all the books, he said that those i mentioned aren't in the books, which is one of the main reasons i don't read the books, it may leave something out or they may add something in, plus it'll keep me from wanting to see the film more and i wouldn't get more excited

Caterina Sixx - First year Ravenclaw
Faith McIntosh - Third year Hufflepuff
Wesley Cross - Seventh Year Gryffindor
Mitchel Mercury - First year Slytherin
Jericho Vice - First year Hufflepuff
Channing McIntosh - First year Hufflepuff
Whitlock Tsunami - First year Slytherin

 Post subject: Re: Apparate Spell
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:09 pm 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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Jigsaw wrote:
well knowing the film makers of the movie, seeing that harry potter is the most big hit movie series in the world, behind avatar of course, they wouldn't leave anything out, i told my best friend some of the scenes that are shown in the deathly hallows and he read all the books, he said that those i mentioned aren't in the books, which is one of the main reasons i don't read the books, it may leave something out or they may add something in, plus it'll keep me from wanting to see the film more and i wouldn't get more excited

I just gotta paste this.
Graymeiste wrote:
We tend to side with the books, since they are the "official" story.

JK Rowling made the Harry Potter franchise, not the directors who began filming before the Order of the Phoenix was even out. The differences in scenery between the books and the film are simply that there isn't a way in hell that some of the scenarios in the book could in anyway have been transitioned into film. Effects and CGI can only go so far. If you want to see how the Harry Potter story ~should~ be, read the books.

Matthew Pace - Post 6th Year Ravenclaw

 Post subject: Re: Apparate Spell
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:22 pm 
Azkaban Escapee
Azkaban Escapee
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Oh yeah, books all the way. The movies are basically just fun to watch. The books pwn.

I forgot what the thread was about... Oh. Apparating! Err... just floo out to make a quick getaway and then app.if you don't wanna walk across the grassy hillside of Scotland. Really a non issue.

Sierra Tillery - Little Lambs Orphanage Manager and Ministry of Magic Education Dept.
Anula Bhaskar - Hufflepuff
Crissy Darby - Gryffindor
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 Post subject: Re: Apparate Spell
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 5:52 pm 
Azkaban Escapee
Azkaban Escapee
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From PoA on the movies left out a lot of stuff from the books and/or changed things. The books are canon; the movies are not.

And Dumbledore never apparated within Hogwarts in the books. He took Harry out to Hogsmeade. Hogsmeade was obviously not under the same protections as the school because its residents would likely complain if they couldn't apparate. The advanced Apparition tests were held there too, so that Dumbledore didn't have to lower the protections in the great hall again.

The reason they used brooms to get back in I'd imagine was because they walked out and Dumbledore needed to get back in faster after he saw the Dark Mark. Dumbledore was weak and probably didn't have the ability to lower anti apparition wards (which I doubt would be simple to remove), not to mention that Harry had to apparate earlier because Dumbledore couldn't.

Anastasia McLaren - 4th year Slytherin
Anna Daljera - 3rd year Gryffindor
Shizuka Matsuri - 2nd year Ravenclaw

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