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 Post subject: Tryin' to catch me writin' dirty!
 Post Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:28 pm 
Forum Troll King
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Joined: Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 1801
Location: The Island of Misfit Toys
They see me trollin', they hatin', moderatin' they tryin' to catch me writin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me writin' dirty!
Tryin' to catch me writin' dirty!
Tryin' to catch me writin' dirty!
Tryin' to catch me writin' dirty!
My insults so loud, I'm trollin', they hopin' that they gon' catch me writin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me writin' dirty!
Tryin' to catch me writin' dirty!
Tryin' to catch me writin' dirty!
Tryin' to catch me writin' dirty!

Moderators think they can see me bein' obscene,
I've got proxies so it ain't easy to be seen.

With mah ten proxies I am unseen,
Unknown behind my screen.

Trollin' with mah new blackup,
Touchpad to help me fire up,
On this forum we's about to blow up.

Moderators you know I ain't no newb,
Just tryina troll ain't tryin' to be lewd.
Post loud to pull in views,
This server here's my muse.

Sarcasm turned up all the way and to the maximum,
I speak for my blackup that I ain't tryin' to shrink from,
Strapped with tha vocab,
Pointin' out whose RP to run from.

Account frozen. No new posts.
Starin' at the screen all aglow,
Players don't see this and I'm about to show,
Moderator flag this and I'm gonna blow.

I'm about to troll and there's no refusin',
Any reaction we'll just find amusin',
Of this situation there's no defusin',
Step outta line and you'll be brusin',

They see me trollin', they hatin', moderatin' they tryin' to catch me writin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me writin' dirty!
Tryin' to catch me writin' dirty!
Tryin' to catch me writin' dirty!
Tryin' to catch me writin' dirty!
My insults so loud, I'm trollin', they hopin' that they gon' catch me writin' dirty.
Tryin' to catch me writin' dirty!
Tryin' to catch me writin' dirty!
Tryin' to catch me writin' dirty!
Tryin' to catch me writin' dirty!


 Post subject: Re: Tryin' to catch me writin' dirty!
 Post Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:39 pm 
Azkaban Warden
Azkaban Warden
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Joined: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 1859

"We are not bound forever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory."

 Post subject: Re: Tryin' to catch me writin' dirty!
 Post Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:43 pm 
Forum Troll King
User avatar

Joined: Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 1801
Location: The Island of Misfit Toys


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