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 Post subject: Remembering 9/11 10 Year Anniversary
 Post Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:36 am 
Forum Third Year
Forum Third Year
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<I had major issues embedding the video I wanted so here's a link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp ... 5#44451545>

9/11 by the Numbers
Death, destruction, charity, salvation, war, money, real estate, spouses, babies, and other September 11 statistics.

The initial numbers are indelible: 8:46 a.m. and 9:02 a.m. Time the burning towers stood: 56 minutes and 102 minutes. Time they took to fall: 12 seconds. From there, they ripple out.

* Total number killed in attacks (official figure as of 9/5/02): 2,819

* Number of firefighters and paramedics killed: 343

* Number of NYPD officers: 23

* Number of Port Authority police officers: 37

* Number of WTC companies that lost people: 60

* Number of employees who died in Tower One: 1,402

* Number of employees who died in Tower Two: 614

* Number of employees lost at Cantor Fitzgerald: 658

* Number of U.S. troops killed in Operation Enduring Freedom: 22

* Number of nations whose citizens were killed in attacks: 115

* Ratio of men to women who died: 3:1

* Age of the greatest number who died: between 35 and 39

* Bodies found "intact": 289

* Body parts found: 19,858

* Number of families who got no remains: 1,717

* Estimated units of blood donated to the New York Blood Center: 36,000

* Total units of donated blood actually used: 258

* Number of people who lost a spouse or partner in the attacks: 1,609

* Estimated number of children who lost a parent: 3,051

* Percentage of Americans who knew someone hurt or killed in the attacks: 20

* FDNY retirements, January–July 2001: 274

* FDNY retirements, January–July 2002: 661

* Number of firefighters on leave for respiratory problems by January 2002: 300

* Number of funerals attended by Rudy Giuliani in 2001: 200

* Number of FDNY vehicles destroyed: 98

* Tons of debris removed from site: 1,506,124

* Days fires continued to burn after the attack: 99

* Jobs lost in New York owing to the attacks: 146,100

* Days the New York Stock Exchange was closed: 6

* Point drop in the Dow Jones industrial average when the NYSE reopened: 684.81

* Days after 9/11 that the U.S. began bombing Afghanistan: 26

* Total number of hate crimes reported to the Council on American-Islamic Relations nationwide since 9/11: 1,714

* Economic loss to New York in month following the attacks: $105 billion

* Estimated cost of cleanup: $600 million

* Total FEMA money spent on the emergency: $970 million

* Estimated amount donated to 9/11 charities: $1.4 billion

* Estimated amount of insurance paid worldwide related to 9/11: $40.2 billion

* Estimated amount of money needed to overhaul lower-Manhattan subways: $7.5 billion

* Amount of money recently granted by U.S. government to overhaul lower-Manhattan subways: $4.55 billion

* Estimated amount of money raised for funds dedicated to NYPD and FDNY families: $500 million

* Percentage of total charity money raised going to FDNY and NYPD families: 25

* Average benefit already received by each FDNY and NYPD widow: $1 million

* Percentage increase in law-school applications from 2001 to 2002: 17.9

* Percentage increase in Peace Corps applications from 2001 to 2002: 40

* Percentage increase in CIA applications from 2001 to 2002: 50

* Number of songs Clear Channel Radio considered "inappropriate" to play after 9/11: 150

* Number of mentions of 9/11 at the Oscars: 26

* Apartments in lower Manhattan eligible for asbestos cleanup: 30,000

* Number of apartments whose residents have requested cleanup and testing: 4,110

* Number of Americans who changed their 2001 holiday-travel plans from plane to train or car: 1.4 million

* Estimated number of New Yorkers suffering from post-traumatic-stress disorder as a result of 9/11: 422,000


~My patronus is a dementor...~

(Rome Ledak)

Kevin Kadel 5th Year Hufflepuff
Jula Lanner 5th year Ravenclaw
Ben Lanner 3rd year Gryffindor
Leiden Von Schmerz 1st year Slytherin
Robert E. Robison 1st year Hufflepuff
Eve Petrova 1st Year Hufflepuff

 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11 10 Year Anniversary
 Post Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:12 am 
Azkaban Escapee
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I woke up to get ready for work, flipped on the tv to watch the news as usual. I stood there watching the first tower, and saw the second plane crash into the building. That's when I woke Calan up, realizing it wasn't fake. I cried while listening to the audio on the radio during the day. But I still had to spend the day at work.

(Maybe it was the first tower, and I woke Calan up for the second. I thought it was fake to begin with. And yeah, Calan had ranted earlier that week about how easy something like this could happen.)

Sierra Tillery - Little Lambs Orphanage Manager and Ministry of Magic Education Dept.
Anula Bhaskar - Hufflepuff
Crissy Darby - Gryffindor
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 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11 10 Year Anniversary
 Post Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:06 pm 
Forum Third Year
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I was only six and we were watching cartoons when my father called and told my mom that we were at war, then she switched to the news. My mom signed me and my brother up for cub scouts that night it was the largest turnout ever.

~My patronus is a dementor...~

(Rome Ledak)

Kevin Kadel 5th Year Hufflepuff
Jula Lanner 5th year Ravenclaw
Ben Lanner 3rd year Gryffindor
Leiden Von Schmerz 1st year Slytherin
Robert E. Robison 1st year Hufflepuff
Eve Petrova 1st Year Hufflepuff

 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11 10 Year Anniversary
 Post Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:28 pm 
Forum Sixth Year
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I was 6 as well. I remember my mom woke me up at normal time, which was about 8 AM New York time and I guess my dad called her to tell her to turn on the tv. I remember my mom telling me to get ready as she watched what was going on, and shooing me off whenever I tried asking for something unimportant. I came back downstairs to see the tv on; the towers had been hit and were smoking by that time. I -think- I saw the first tower fall, but I can't remember. I asked, "what movie are you watching?" and they said that it was real. I sat there and watched until I had to go to school. The entire day, I remember seeing and hearing Air Force airplanes flying back and forth constantly.


..... Cray Calcifer Fencrow - Xabriel Seth Raventongue
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 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11 10 Year Anniversary
 Post Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:40 pm 
Forum Fifth Year
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I was in England, 13 years old, I didn't find out until after school which got out at 3.30pm GMT, my mum walked to my school to meet me, she told me what had happened on the way home and I just remember the shock of hearing it and feeling really numb. When we got home, we just sat there all night watching the reports.

Emily Jade Hodgkins- Hufflepuff
Toni Smythe- Gryffindor
Elysia Dimitrious- To be announced

 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11 10 Year Anniversary
 Post Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 4:59 pm 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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It was actually the first tower that you saw Ree, because I remember seeing the second tower get hit on a live feed, so I was already up by then. The strange part was that just the night before (Ree can confirm this) I was on a rant that this was going to happen, it was just a matter of time. I even mentioned the twin towers specifically, among a few other possibilities.

The one thing I remember specifically, was for a short period of time, this country was united unlike anything I had ever seen before, or since. Every car in the nation seemed to be hanging an American flag, sometimes so large that it was illegal- but what police officer would stop them? It was a bright, encouraging hope in an otherwise very dark time.

The stories of love and sacrifice poured out for the next several years. Humanity has a way of showing its best during the times it also shows its worst.

Out of all the stories, the brave heros that sacrificed themselves on Flight 93 will forever remain an inspiration for me. That in particular, for some reason, above all others. I can only hope that if I am ever facing a similar situation, I would do the same as they had the guts to do. 10 years later, it's extremely difficult for me to even think about what they did without getting emotional to tears. I never saw the movie- I can't appreciate that tribute to their story enough, but I just couldn't even watch it. Some day I might.


Liss Crest, Slytherin
Kalara Crest, Hufflepuff
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 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11 10 Year Anniversary
 Post Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:37 pm 
Azkaban Escapee
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Whoever did those stats seems to have forgotten the Pentagon.

There was a minute of silence before the USA/Ireland Rugby game here yesterday (because yesterday was 9/11 for us) to remember the 10 year anniversary.

We found out about the Towers just before Mum and Dad were due to go on an international trip and they nearly ended up not going. Saw the whole thing on T.V.

I saw the Flight 93 movie and it was really touching. You should definitely see it.

*bows head in remembrance*

Anastasia McLaren - 4th year Slytherin
Anna Daljera - 3rd year Gryffindor
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 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11 10 Year Anniversary
 Post Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:13 am 
Forum Fifth Year
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I was also 6 at the time... Horrible incident, I felt really shocked. Similiar to when in 2005 London got bombed, which was much less minor, but still equally as horrible.

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 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11 10 Year Anniversary
 Post Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 6:56 am 
Azkaban Escapee
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I was 10 at the time and I'm going to be blunt honnest; didn't really care. I was mostly focused on the fact that airplanes could be taken over and crash. I had to take a plane to France across the Atlantic and was completly terrified of the idea of being in a plane.

Saw it happen on TV at school, the teacher turned on the tele and voila there it was. I could tell that all the kids in my class were impressed but none really understood the impact. We understood how we were supposed to feel when we saw our teacher and the assistant wide-eyed, in shock or horror. Because thats how kids learn, from seeing the adults acts.

Humans are creul towards one another.

 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11 10 Year Anniversary
 Post Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:15 am 
Forum Sixth Year
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I know this is late but today at school they decided to replay the news report.

I was too young to really remember what happened, but we were still living in Chicago. My father had gone to work and his colleague was on the phone with a broker in the first tower when the plane crashed into it. Another one of his colleagues had left to work in New York. Both of them died. My dad was sent home and he picked me up and took me to the park to play on the swings.

While the news clips were playing, I suddenly realised how close my father was to being there. He and my mother had lived in New York for a few years prior to 9/11. He had actually worked at the World Trade Center. If he had decided to pursue his career in NY, he would've been dead and I wouldn't be doing half the things I do today. In fact, I wouldn't have even discovered Neverwinter Nights.

I'm not ashamed to say that I dissolved into tears right there and then.

ecce! raeda in fossa est!

 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11 10 Year Anniversary
 Post Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:29 pm 
Forum Seventh Year
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Slight Necro, sorry folks.

I was 9, but I remember that day very well. I'd gone to school as usual but we all knew something was different about that day after the first hour or so of classes because the intercom kept coming on, calling kids out of class to be taken home by their parents. By 10:30 the teachers gave up trying to teach us anything, half of the class was already gone, and brought out the tv cart and turned on the news. We watched until about 11 when I was called out. I remember being a little annoyed because I'd taken my lunch to school that day and it was just a little before we'd normally eat that my Mom came to get me. I ate my food on the way home.

When we got home Mom sent me upstairs, they didn't want me watching the news anymore than I already had. At the time I didn't really understand the horror of everything. My family was lucky in that we didn't know anyone in New York/Pennsylvania at the time so we weren't scared for relatives or friends that day.

On the anniversary this year I watched the documentaries on the history channel, it was like reliving it but this time... This time I understood the enormity and horror of what happened that day.


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