World of Harry Potter Forums

The Making of Our Own Events
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Author:  Jigsaw [ Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  The Making of Our Own Events

I was wondering if the DM's said at one point that players can do their own events if there are no other DM's present or if -they're- just not doing an event. 'Cause I actually thought about doing an event of my own for one of my characters, like he does something, or something happens to him or whatever idea I come up with. Plus I figured it would be a cool thing to do seeing as how there's many players who is always waiting for something entertaining to happen. Some people may play along, others might not.

Author:  Yendys [ Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Making of Our Own Events

You're always encouraged to make your own RP, even if DMs -are- doing other things actively at the time. You don't need to even let a DM know something like parties that your character might throw. If you're doing a more complex plot event, like what West has been posting to the forums, you should at least let a DM know what you're up to(my inbox is always open for that) in case things get out of hand and need DM involvement. The DM involvement in this case is mostly just to keep an eye on things, and make sure you haven't accidentally contradicted server lore. If your event idea is such that it's going to strongly affect PCs that aren't your own, or could affect those which aren't voluntarily in the event along with you, you need to get DM approval. An example of that last one might be some external group kidnapping any students that go to might have a great idea for how that fits in your event, but that needs a DM to approve and possibly even be present for the RP.

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