I know that this is possibly should be on the Going/Back thread, but really this post is going to be too long for just a simple reply. As some of you know, I've been working a lot more than usual, getting over 30 hours though I'm supposed to be part time, and I've been the Admin of a forum writing based RP site for Harry Potter called The Hogwarts Online. I have not had the time to be on the server like I've been wanting and I've really missed you guys, especially because of recent events that have transpired on the website that I, until yesterday, had been Admin of.
Everyone on here is so welcoming and nice and theres no pressure. If you are a DM on here, I know that it is not perceived as a job where you are expected to do certain things without question, like a real life job. DMs have fun on here and they help everyone when they are needed and if anyone has questions, no one is afraid to ask them or be afraid that they will be belittled for asking. This is how I've been feeling on THO. That, like WOHP, was supposed to be an escape from all of the stress that my RL gives me, and not add on to it. But the main Admin of the site has been making that difficult for myself and the majority of the admin team. We have been trying to get her to understand why we have been so frustrated and everything but she still doesn't seem to listen. This is what set us off:
http://i49.tinypic.com/35irqk9.jpg and this was our response to it:
http://i48.tinypic.com/2w4hdso.pngNow, basically almost everyone who helped write that letter and who have been trying to talk to that Admin are banned A lot else has been said and I will show you the screenies I have, which I have screen printed every post that has been made as proof n case something had been deleted. I have not been banned, yet, but apparently I am not welcome on any site that has her as an administrator. She continued to say that we weren't doing what was expected of us and like any RL job, we would be fired for it. Though I do know of a good amount of Admins who have been doing what was asked, and we have never once complained about doing anything that she had ever asked us to do. None of us. We've been called childish and immature, and I will admit, some things that happened last night in ire by a few people were childish, but that was after the fact of getting banned, not before.
All we wanted was appreciation for things that we did, even if we were asked to do them. They say that RL jobs don't give you that, but they're wrong. Mine does, every day. It might not be like that for every job, but not everyone treats people like they don't matter. Which was the impression that we have been getting from this person. Now that I am no longer on this site I will have more time to be on server, as I have been longing to see everyone again. You guys have been there for me for years now, and its been at least over 3 years that I know of that I have been on this server and forums. No one has ever mistreated me or made me feel like I didn't belong and thats the reason why I consider you all my friends, no matter how long I haven't seen you or anything like that.
So thank you everyone for making me feel like WOHP is my home. ♥