World of Harry Potter Forums

Tonight Illustrated
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Author:  Yendys [ Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Tonight Illustrated


Thanks Kad for a great event!

Author:  HydroMerano [ Thu Nov 20, 2014 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tonight Illustrated

Shaant's shirt should be I "<3" Spiders.

Jade's should be: FML.

Peran's should be: FML and Jade's life.

Sam's should be: BUT RUM!

Aerol's should be: Dammit Alesu

and Ronni's should be: ITS SO FLUFFEH.

This is why the Ravenclaw's cannot have nice things. <3

I laughed for a good five minutes looking at this. XD

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