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 Post subject: Skill Points
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 5:21 am 
Azkaban Escapee
Azkaban Escapee
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I still don't get the WOHP skills and the points you can put into them.

How many points should your char have in a skill at each year in order to be very good at it, moderately good at it, or at least not terrible in it? Does the skill need to be maxed out to be very good?

Do skills like Healing, Quidditch etc., that are not core subjects and therefore don't give you points on year up, have less high DCs considering that it's harder to get points in them?

I just want my skill points to reflect what I think my char is good at and I'm really not sure how many points she needs to put in her subjects (and because there are so few points given you don't get any leeway).

Anastasia McLaren - 4th year Slytherin
Anna Daljera - 3rd year Gryffindor
Shizuka Matsuri - 2nd year Ravenclaw

 Post subject: Re: Skill Points
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 9:27 pm 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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I believe that if there's a 0 modifier, not negative/nor positive, that's average, if you focus points into a certain skill, for instance 2-4 first year, that's pretty good, 4-8 would be max and outstanding.
Each year up your invisible base goes up a little, and you receive "free" points to focus into your skills upon graduation. I'm not sure what the actual numbers are, but for example if +4 is good first year, 2nd year to stay "pretty good" at a certain skill their modifier should be +6, then +8 third year, +10 fourth year, etc etc.

Ruoy Trams
Kiera Hunter
Avel Sirota

 Post subject: Re: Skill Points
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 10:37 pm 
Azkaban Escapee
Azkaban Escapee
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That means you'd have to put skill points in every year. So that really limits what you can put points in. DX

Anastasia McLaren - 4th year Slytherin
Anna Daljera - 3rd year Gryffindor
Shizuka Matsuri - 2nd year Ravenclaw

 Post subject: Re: Skill Points
 Post Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 9:02 am 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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With the amount given, you should be able to focus points into the skills that your character is adept at. If you spread them too thin, putting as many points into as many skills, then your character seems to be about average at everything. If you focus them into 1-4 things, then your character is talented at certain things.
It keeps it realistic.

Ruoy Trams
Kiera Hunter
Avel Sirota

 Post subject: Re: Skill Points
 Post Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 6:04 pm 
Azkaban Escapee
Azkaban Escapee
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It keeps it frustrating lol. There aren't enough points to have any electives. But I've said that before and no1curr lol.

Anastasia McLaren - 4th year Slytherin
Anna Daljera - 3rd year Gryffindor
Shizuka Matsuri - 2nd year Ravenclaw

 Post subject: Re: Skill Points
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 7:09 am 
Azkaban Escapee
Azkaban Escapee
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Oh I'm personally in agreement, but part of the problem (for me at least) is that the system isn't transparent enough to illustrate the things you requested as well, Charity: How many points would make you good at it, how many are needed to pass certain classes, etc.

I'm not interested in getting the whole system laid out plainly, but what's normal would still be nice to know. One skill point per year, for someone who's adept or proficient at said class?

Local Lurker and Knower of the Unknown and Unknowable. Also a bit full of itself, and an occasional prick.

 Post subject: Re: Skill Points
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 7:35 pm 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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One skill point invested every year is 1/4 of your total skill points. That means you are exceptional at the class, nearly to the maximum amount of skill points the system will let you invest in a single subject. Generally, you should be able to spread your points around between 5-6 areas of focus comfortably, without sucking too much at any of those classes, even at NEWT level. Beyond that, you'll be moving away from "my character is very good at these couple classes, and not half bad at these others" towards "my character is pretty average at all of their classes" due to their focus being so scattered. Does that help any?

If you are following that and still struggling, maybe your character sheet is not set up to reflect what you have been RPing. Let me know, we'll sit down, take a look, and figure out what the issue is. It could be as simple as several years of quidditch practice not being documented, or a RPed natural talent in charms that is actually a base penalty on the character sheet fouling up your rolls. My point is, issues with the character sheet are generally going to be individual solutions to individual problems. There's no one-size-fits-all patch for the skill points boat.

Karen Bonoa - Ravenclaw Alumni
Madeline Ingleman - 2nd Year Hufflepuff
Niven McLaren - 1st Year Slytherin
Sam McKinnon - 6th Year Ravenclaw

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