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 Post subject: Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix
 Post Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:15 pm 
Azkaban Inmate
Azkaban Inmate
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For those of you who have seen the movie, I was wondering... What did you think of it?

Although they left out quite a few things, I thought the movie was really good, actually. Much better then the other for, in my eyes. I think they did an excellect cast selection for some of the 'newer' characters (Luna, Bellatrix, Umbridge, etc...). I dun really wanna say much, incase I somehow end up spoiling it for people, except for this... OMG, that scene in the Department of Mysteries was amazing. @_@

(Plus, I like how often they were actually in muggle clothing...)

And for those who haven't seen it yet.. Are you gonna see it? If so, are you excited? If you aren't going to see it... why not?! :gonk:

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 Post Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 6:13 pm 
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I actually enjoyed their interpretation of Umbridge. Not quite like I had pictured, but suited her nonetheless.
I still had that driving urge to knock her upside the head :)

Luna... I thought was incredibly cute. Her voice just made me go 'awww'
I don't know. Definitely 'looney,' But not how I pictured her either.

Tonks.. Well, I wish they had show more of her, or at least explained who/ she was >.> There were scenes with her in it in some of the trailers that never made it to the movie!
(The 'wouldn't you like to hide your scar?' line..)

The scene from Snape's memory made me let out a quite unusual fangirlish squeal of delight. Those who know me where quite astonished, as I'm not usually the type.
But dang, regardless of his unusually large nose, he was cute. XD

Bellatrix... meh.

Last edited by Felien on Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:53 pm 
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I will see it, one way or the other.

I want to see the Department of Mysteries scene and how they possibly managed to have the DA discovered without Edgecomb tattling.

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 Post Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 4:13 pm 
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ill go see it sometime if i ever get a paycheck.....anyone ever hear of not having the uniform for their job at Mcdonalds after almost 3 weeks of being hired? seriously i wouldve had my first paycheck by now but eh what can i do lol

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 Post Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 7:43 pm 
Azkaban Inmate
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Saw it today and it was pretty good.

Granted there were a few things I didn't like, but that was obviously going to happen.

Also on a side-note, this movie reminded me of how much I love Luna. A bit different from how I imagined but none-the-less amazing.

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 Post Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:22 am 
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I have yet to see the movie. Planning to do so when the crowd lessens. Most likely sometime during this week. I want to see Kreacher.. >.>

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 Post Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:47 am 
Azkaban Inmate
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Kreacher was more or less pointless from my point of view, but JKR asking to keep him in leads me to believe he will play a somewhat larger role in the last book.

But I guess we'll find that out in 5 days. =P

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