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 Post subject: Re: THE DAILY PROPHET (IC Articles)
 Post Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 7:42 pm 
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Terrorist Attack in Hogsmead!

By: Q'larc Kenton

What started as your average peaceful day in Hogsmead soon became a day of confusion and terror. Heavy rains and hail blanketed the area the village for a period with folks none the wiser to the approaching terror that awaited them.
Soon after the rains freakishly stopped a dense fog rolled in from the nearby lake and forest, the only warning the poor villagers were given before they were attacked by a swarm of dementors that set upon the villagers like locusts. The brave law enforcement officers on scene, lead by Auror McMillon fought heroically through the hordes of dementors to save the many villager lives that were at stake. Sadly Auror McMillon and several other MLE officers lost their lives in the attack but thanks to their sacrifice most of the town was spared from this horror. With their constant vigilance the terror attack was thwarted.
It wasn't until after the dust had settled the DMLE had discovered that a dark artifact had been placed in the unsuspecting village. DMLE officials believe the device was responsible for the dementor attack and possibly could be linked to the dementors odd behavior as of late.
For now the Ministry would like us to warn the community that Hogsmead is a disaster area right now and that civilians are asked to keep their distance while restoration operations are underway.


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