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 Post subject: Hogwarts Lockdown
 Post Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 11:59 pm 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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Shortly after Dumbledore and Co. returned to the school, news got around that the school and the students are in great danger. The prefects have been informed that they are to get the word around that students are to remain at Hogwarts for the near future. Word also passes around via the usual Hogwart's grapevine. Students who have been away from school are likely to hear from friends and such about the dangers and the Headmaster's request to remain at the school. They would, of course, be encouraged to return to the school as soon as possible.

Notices have been put up around the school - they appear to be official letters from Professor Dumbledore himself:

"Students, Faculty...Friends,

We are in a difficult time. I fear for your safety, and as such, I do not want you out of the reach of our protections. You are, for the time being, safe in the castle and grounds ((to include, of course, the Forest)). Please listen to your prefects and teachers. We are doing everything in our power to make this time be as short as possible. We understand that this is a hardship for you, and it will take patience and courage. Be strong!

-Professor Dumbledore"

 Post subject: Re: Hogwarts Lockdown
 Post Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:04 pm 
Game Master
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The initial post has been edited due to the need for a more measured response. Please read it again.

Calan's OOC notes on the lockdown:

OOC "amnesty" until word gets out: If you had RP that happened before you were aware of this, don't change the RP, but get your character back to the castle as soon as possible. Once your character is at the castle, the lockdown is in full effect.

School work is not a reason to leave the grounds. Please RP that professors are supportive of this. To make it easier on younger years, we are considering the forest school grounds. Going there at all is semi-OOC anyway. Heading into the forest should only be done for schoolwork reasons. Actual RP there beyond schoolwork may be considered being in the -forbidden- forest, or being off grounds.

Higher years and any reason for leaving the school grounds beyond the forest, even school work, is ICly disallowed.

 Post subject: Re: Hogwarts Lockdown
 Post Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:31 am 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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By now all of the students should be noticing the professors should ICly be quite visible, and not hiding away. They'd be out and about the castle a lot. Hogwarts is nothing like business as usual.

The staff (at least any of them worth their salt) are busy actively helping all the students, even regularly stepping aside to work with little groups on stuff they have questions about, or trying to calm their fears. The professors are as likely to be passed in the major halls as they are to be found in their offices or trying to teach classes.

Except for Lockhart. He has probably been found more than once by now already hiding in some nook or cranny in various far-flung parts of the castle.

 Post subject: Re: Hogwarts Lockdown
 Post Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:39 am 
Game Master
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Players and characters alike ought to be getting the dawning realization of what is approaching. It is essential to note that this is important, capstone-level stuff and as such, the danger needs to be taken seriously. Perma-death is possible, where it usually may not be. Play your character, but be aware that their actions can have consequences.

 Post subject: Re: Hogwarts Lockdown
 Post Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:28 am 
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War is about to sweep the land. The wizarding world seems to be holding its very breath. The owl post has slowed to a crawl, and owls who do arrive are bedraggled and weary. The news media has been silent on recent matters, and seems to be waiting for something, anything. The professors at Hogwarts continue their vigil and wandering of the halls, though with the distinct absence of Professor Lupin, who to this point had been nearly a fixture since his return.

As the tension rises, a quiet fills the air. Hogwarts seems to be in the eye of the storm...

 Post subject: Re: Hogwarts Lockdown
 Post Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:56 am 
Game Master
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The Lockdown has been lifted overnight! With no fanfare and little explanation, Hogwarts is once again open for business. The grapevine, surely, is wildly busy with information about what has occurred, but no official announcement of any kind has been made.

((Anyone who is on and has the chance, please Evanesco those easels when you see 'em. Rest assured, JB and I have many plans for the aftermath of this, including a number of articles. The Wizarding Press will be silent no longer. Just give us a couple days to recover, eh? ;) ))

 Post subject: Re: Hogwarts Lockdown
 Post Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:34 am 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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Owls fly freely again. Word travels far and wide about the remarkable events in London, and at Hogwarts. Headmaster Dumbledore seems once again occupied by matters beyond Hogwarts—but this time not while in hiding. Several of the professors come and go frequently from Hogwarts, also, and Ministry officials and aurors come and go from Hogwarts periodically to see Dumbledore or McGonagall when the two are at the school.

Professor Moody has been seen the least of any at Hogwarts.

Professor Flitwick is at Saint Mungo's, and though word has it he will be okay, nothing specific has been said, yet, about his condition.

Professor Snape is at Hogwarts, but has been especially quiet and somber, and is rarely seen, let alone spoken to by anyone. The Potions TA has been covering all of his lower year classes, and some Advanced Potions students have been meeting together on their own.

 Post subject: Re: Hogwarts Lockdown
 Post Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:32 am 
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The professors have begun returning to Hogwarts full time. Only professors Moody and Flitwick are still fairly absent. Rumor has it that Flitwick has woken up, and may be returning to the school any day. Moody has checked in when able, though still appears to be rather busy at the Ministry.

Things at Hogwarts are finally beginning to take some semblance of normalcy, though it is clear that many scars will remain with its teachers, staff, and students for years to come.

 Post subject: Re: Hogwarts Lockdown
 Post Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:06 pm 
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Professor Flitwick has returned to the school, quietly and with little fanfare, as is his style. Those who know him or see him often would be familiar with this fact.

//I know there are those who have some things planned for his return -- please go ahead with this and invite him ICly when the time comes.

"They called me mad, and I called them mad, and damn them, they outvoted me" -Nathaniel Lee

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