World of Harry Potter Forums

Events in General
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Author:  JBMT [ Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Events in General

I believe there should be occasional big events like the Tri Wiz, and talent show, and I even had a school musical plan in the works, and also constant mini-events revolving around side plots which carry individual character stories forward.


Author:  CircusClown [ Tue Nov 07, 2006 10:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds good.

[I was originally going to say 'Yum.' <_<]

Author:  fhorar [ Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

zack, holy crap dude, what the deuce is up? long time no see, remember me? i havent talked to you and seth and alex in forever

Author:  EvieCromwell [ Thu Nov 09, 2006 4:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Events are always good, large or small . . . that sort of thing is why I'm addicted to this server ;)

Author:  DarkSyde [ Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Too many events is a bad thing though.

Author:  xxCrazehxx [ Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nonsense. Too many of a certain type of event is a bad thing however. I think it would be cool to have various types of events, to keep things interesting and new.

But, thats just my opinion.

Author:  Ray [ Fri Nov 10, 2006 4:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Yea but its a bit freaky if everyday something happens.. like a murder.. then a tournement and then suddenly a party on one day gets a bit messy... I know the school is special and all that but its not like everyday something exiting happens.. remember its a school.. and school is dull and normal one day and exiting the other.. hrmh, I need my postscore up..

Author:  DarkSyde [ Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well actually, too many events really can "be" a bad thing for plenty of reasons...

1. The reason that Ray added

2. Yes, events are fun, i mean, Events = great RP!!! But sometimes when your char is affiliated with TOO many events or when you take place in multiple and multiple events, it means you have to remember EVERYTHING that happens to your character in that event, and if you do take place in alot of events and you have to remember so much, remembering starts to get difficult. Like say for example, Dante (my char) had gotten the dark mark or something carved onto his arm by a death eater or something in an event, then 4 days later, after i have took place in a couple more events where stuff had happened to Dante, I might FORGET about the dark mark thing. See what im saying? Its just that too many events can sort of mess up the RP if you forget something that happened in an event. Thats when I use the little "Notes" section in the journal WAY too much with a server that has lots of events. And if you DO forget something about your char, you always try to play it off with some lame excuse IC, dont you just hate having to do that?!

3. When am i gonna find time to work on my schoolwork or explore the great mod created by the builders? A question i asked my-self when one day, i decided i will work on fourth year finally and then an event began (i know i dont have to go if i dont want, but curiosity takes over) so i held out on fourth year for a little and decided to hit up this event. The event was fun and it was over, so then I took out the books and decided to begin fourth year once again when all a sudden.....EVENT!!!! ( curiosity once again gets the better of me) so I went and etc etc etc....I know what you guys are gonna say to that though " If you wanted to work on your shcoolwork? Then WORK!!" But it wasnt like that, I like events and i love RP but too many is a dramatic turn-off when im trying to progress through the world.

4. Event after event after event does nothing but the same thing that the now unpopular phrase "Git r done" did. ALOT and i mean ALOT of people said "Git r done" and when you hear the same thing over and over, it gets old. Same goes for events, you wanna like and love events right? and the only way your gonna keep that love for em is if they happen once every blue moon because when they DO happen, i bet my bottom-dollar it would be a friggin kickazz event. Everybody would be so hyped for it and ready, it would be pretty amazing with great RP. every 30 minutes?! Yeah, i mean...The RP is there, sure enough, but is the excitement?! Eh...not so much. I for one, would like one event every 2 weeks or maybe 3 and a real big one prolly once every month and a half or 2 months, so that way, when an event does take place, everybody would share that excitement that the whole school will be sharing.

5. Im mainly trying to stress on the remembering factor...I mean, some players try to store everything that happens to their character in their heads, and things can easily be lost inside your noggins. And you most certainly dont want to over-use that notes page in the journal, do you? I know i had to sometimes.

6. As to what Ray said, Yeah, hes right in a way, something exciting doesnt always happen EVERY day in a school. But thats where you have really small classroom events for fun RP because we all know students go to class every day during school. So you can hold events that arent as much exciting in real life but is good RP at the same time...classroom events. As for other small events, i dont think a million death eaters attacking hogwarts would be considered "small". Something like that woul happen ever what......200 yrs (not even that) at a school UNLESS somebody was really out to get dumbledore lol.

7. Remembering factor lol

But all in all, I wont be on the server for quite a while, so do whatever you want, just thought id put my reasoning behind my statement. I cant state something then dont say "why"...that wouldnt make sense.

Author:  Nikblade [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes, but without events, I get bored very quickly. =P

Author:  DarkSyde [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

nah, just RPing with your friends and Rping in the Hogwarts/HP world is loads o fun.

Dont need an event to pass the time.

Or you could just explore the great mod, I still find things about it that I did not know.

Author:  CircusClown [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yea, exploring the mod = really fun to do.

*prides self in being the first person to figure out, and enter, VotK*


Author:  DarkSyde [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

well, i wouldnt say "really fun" but its fun...

and Votk?

whats that?

Author:  CircusClown [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Valley of the Kings

Author:  Nikblade [ Wed Nov 15, 2006 10:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yup, RPing is fun - but all I know is I spend loads of time sitting around with other six years with no homework to do with nothing to talk about

you can say you have fun anyway, but i'm telling it how i see it

Author:  Serge [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 6:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Get hobbies.. Eg. Soloing 4-5 dementors without using the wand. (They havent been changed have they?)

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