World of Harry Potter Forums

Werewolf Attack
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Author:  Calan [ Mon May 07, 2012 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Werewolf Attack

Every student in Hogwarts was sent to their commons yesterday night, on the full moon. Rumors spread quickly about werewolves in the school!

Through the night, several PA announcements were made:

McGonagall: "All students are to report to their common rooms immediately. Any student already in the hospital wing is to remain there. Any student caught out in the halls will be expelled in the morning."

Heads of House places their respective prefects on duty in the common rooms, guarding the exits. Professors roamed the halls in force, making sneaking about impossible.

Later on, Moody: "Miss Bonoa, please report to the hospital wing."

Later on, Professor Snape: "Miss Crest, have a head count of the Slytherin commons to me in ... 5 ... minutes." (Slytherins: This would have been completed, but it would have taken more time, obviously)

Later on, Professor Snape: "Miss Crest, escort Mister Davis to the Entrance Hall."
((Mister Davis is Samuel Davis, a 5th year NPC Slytherin, which may be RP'd as already known, or easily discovered at your discretion)) (Slytherins: Liss would have left the commons with Samuel)

Later on, Professor Snape: "Miss Harpenger, escort Miss Rose to the Entrance Hall."
((Miss Rose is Stephanie Rose, a 5th year NPC Slytherin, which may be RP'd as already known, or easily discovered at your discretion)) (Slytherins: Kadaja would have left the commons with Stephanie)

In the morning, the way to the gardens would be blocked and locked. No one would be able to pass that way. Later on in the day, the way would be open again.

Several rumors fly about, which may or may not be true:

-Speculation on why Karen was called to the wing, everything from claims that she was bitten to claims that say it proves she wasn't.
-Peeves was howling just before the attack, and that makes it obvious that he let the wolves in.
-Professor Sinistra (astronomy) was bitten and is a werewolf now.
-The two students who were escorted to the Entrance Hall were former LAM.
-The door to the gardens had been blown up. (of course, no one actually heard an explosion before the attack)

((A note to those involved in the event:
Thank you, it was fun! Please do not post anything OOC on the forums, or discuss OOC in-game any details of what happened. Please let any information and rumors spread as it would, IC only.))

Author:  stingray888 [ Mon May 07, 2012 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf Attack

What is LAM?

Author:  PrincessoftheLights [ Mon May 07, 2012 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf Attack

London Academy of Magic, it's a plot that happened a while back.

Author:  Yendys [ Mon May 07, 2012 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf Attack

((I know you said IG only, but nobody was online in the RC commons when the event was happening, so I kind of have to. :P ))

Karen Bonoa ran into the common rooms and up the stairs towards the dormitories just a minute or so before McGonagall's announcement. Then she returned down to the commons and helped to try to calm down the younger students, with mixed success as she seemed very worried and anxious about something. She was out the door like a shot after her name was called over the PA system.

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