World of Harry Potter Forums

Head Packs Currently Used
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Author:  Dark_Angelica [ Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Head Packs Currently Used

i was wondering if there were any head packs being used for this server because i play on a server that uses a head pack that can be found on the nwn vault by the name of kismet's override although there is a file in it that needs removed since the person that posted it forgot to it is called the spells.2da it bugs characters from being able to cast any type of magic including from items until it is removed from the override folder the reason i use this head pack is because i happen to not like the normal nwn heads and like the ones this offer but i do not want to hear i cant see your head or anything of the sort so if someone can please let me know before i make a character i find out no one can see any of the heads i have.

Author:  adam_lister [ Fri Dec 21, 2007 7:01 am ]
Post subject: 

I beleive that all the downloads you need for this server are found in the CEP2. If the the head pack you're talking about isn't in that then you're out of luck

Author:  Insanity [ Fri Dec 21, 2007 8:21 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't think there actually are any useable headpacks in CEP2, but you should could download CEP heads, which we should all be able to see.. Since they actually are in the module. But that's about it.

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