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Author:  NeoMandalore [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Activities

What's the best time to be on to be part of some kind of event?

I've been on what I'd consider a lot, however I haven't really had a chance to do more than a couple small adventures killing the troll in the bathroom and such. Most of my time has been spent solo exploring, which is fine, I'd just like to get more involved.

From time to time I'll go hang out in the entrance hall and watch for what others do. Unfortunately I'm never there at the right time and nothing is going on.

Author:  Charity [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Activities

What's your time zone? I know mine often kills event involvement for me 'cause I'm usually in bed. XD

If you're looking for other people to RP with though I've seen you on a bit and I have a first year who I think you did meet so I'm happy to do something with your char if you're interested.

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