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 Post subject: Concerning Lag
 Post Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 10:14 am 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 2356
We all know lag can be an issue.

If you experience significant lag along with other players, please tell us.

We need the following in order to alleviate specific cases:
• The area in which the lag occurs
• How many people are in the area at the time
• What time of day (and what time zone you are in)
• The nature of the "lag" (i.e. Did your char freeze, kinda jump back, or was everything just a bit slow?)

You may post lag reports in the Bugs & Issues section of these forums or private message a Game Master.

There are various strategies for reducing or eliminating lag.
• Limit the size of your parties. Big parties may cause lag.
• Keep your inventory clean, especially now that there are items that give you multiple other items. Try to avoid filling up your inventory with charms papers and potion supplies at the same time. There is a player storage in your common room. Please use it.
• If there are more than three players in the same area, and you're not trying to kill something, please unsummon all animals, especially those that fly. And remember that pets are frowned upon by professors in school halls and public spaces, and especially classrooms.

Also, it's important to remember, GameSpy can cause lag issues at times. Direct Connecting to the server, using the IP in the Direct Connect section of this area of the forums may help remedy that issue for everyone on the mod. Please give it a try.

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