World of Harry Potter Forums

Item Muleing
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Author:  Calan [ Mon May 26, 2008 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Item Muleing

We have heard many (as in more than one or two) reports lately of items being transferred either between two characters played by the same player, or from perma'd characters to active characters.

There are cases where we will allow a transfer if it makes very good RP sense, but generally the answer is no. Transfers of this kind are simply not allowed, especially with no GM approval. It doesn't matter if it's just custom clothing you don't want to have to re-craft, it's not allowed.

Muleing items is considered cheating. In years past there could have been five or six bans over this by now. Please don't put us in this position. If there's something you think -should- be transferred, please ask us and then respect the answer, whatever that answer may be.

Author:  Laucian1 [ Mon May 26, 2008 6:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Little question about the chocolate chip cookies that's related to this. Since it's more of a reward to the person controlling the characters, and since most of us have seventh years and alts, would that be something alright to trade between characters? Dr. Black already said probably not, but he didn't seem too sure so I thought I'd get more feedback.

Author:  adam_lister [ Mon May 26, 2008 7:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Luacian brings up a good point... What an utterly stupid thing to give to a seventh year. Let those be tradeable between characters atleast.

Author:  Calan [ Tue May 27, 2008 2:29 am ]
Post subject: 

It's actually not utterly stupid to give them to 7th years. It's utterly stupid for 7th years to actually use the cookie before the level cap is raised.

I do see Laucian's point, and the same thought crossed my mind as well. But cookies are also granted because the character was part of an event. Tell ya what, I'll open a discussion amongst the GM's on cookies.

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