I am extremely pleased to announce that the new forums are officially open. The forums are using PHPBB3 (no Nuke), and all data has been successfully transferred.
There are a few things that are going to be happening over the next little while:
1- The old site (the Nuke forums) will be going down forever. All data is saved and transferred and backed up, so not to worry. This should happen on the 11th.
2- www.hpnwn.net is being transferred. Exactly what happens with domain names is still in the air, we are still working all that out. www.hpnwn.net may once again in the future point to the forums as well.
3- HTML by default is disabled in PHPBB3. We will -probably- be re-enabling it, but it probably won't be for a few days. In the mean time, feel free to edit your posts that have HTML and replace it with BBCode, if BBCode exists for the HTML. Otherwise wait for a bit and we should have that turned back on.
4- There are new features that may or may not be removed.
5- Expect a few annoying things as we get all the board's settings figured out. Please report bugs.
6- The new board's theme or "skin" is temporary. We may be changing it drastically, or we might make only minor customizations. As it is now, it is simply the absolute default for the theme that we decided on starting with.
Please visit the new site and continue posting there:
http://www.wohp.netI would like to give -very- special thanks to those who assisted in the upgrade/transfer:
-mrmckaye (who has hosted the forums since 2002, we all owe him great thanks, and for his help during the transition)
-JBMT (who has been a consistent help during and before this tansition)
-Jinx (who stuck with me all Saturday, and helped to figure out some of the brick walls we were hitting)
-Reebober (who has been putting up with not having a husband for the last four days)