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 Post subject: Classes - Requests and Complaints
 Post Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 7:25 am 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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Joined: Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 588
Location: Texas, y'all
I have heard several GMs say that "So and So asked for class X." That is great! As one of the primary GMs who does classes, I would much rather have the classes planned on the basis of what the PCs want than just me making guesses.

So, let me start off with a few "soft" rules. These aren't set in stone. They are just more like "the way things are usually done."
1. Out of every five classes, no more than one will result in a wand spell being FULLY taught. Two or even three of those classes may directly involve learning those spells, though.
2. Classes are there for the students, so students get to act however they want. If, however, that involves acting out or disrespecting teachers, the students may be told to leave. This can be great RP...or a real pain. ;)
3. Intense classes come from intense roleplay. Characters who do something in class other than just whisper, flirt, and cut jokes will get more out of classes. I promise. *stomps foot and winks*
4. Classes are a PRIMARY means by which students get a chance to meet...and impress...teachers. The GM staff does track each NPC professor and their feelings about individual PCs. Present the image to the teacher that you WANT the teacher to take away.
5. The main goal for classes is to have FUN. This is a chance to interact with other students and NPCs in a way that we don't usually get to do. So....have fun!

Now then, I am offering myself up as a point of contact for classes. If you want a class, let me know. PM me! I want to set up classes, get them advertised, and see everyone enjoy themselves. All of these take time, however. Let me know so I can start prioritizing things!

In addition....I would LOVE to see students teaching more. If your character is good at a class...or if you just want to get a bunch of folks together a la Jack's Charms Club.... Do it! Let me know, and I'll help.

Thanks, y'all.

You go your way
I'll go your way too
Last bumped by Graymeiste on Sun Oct 25, 2009 7:25 am.

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